Terrified By Health Scares?

Terrified By Health Scares? Why The Future Holds Good News For You

Anyone who likes to keep up with the news – from celebrity gossip to serious current affairs – could be forgiven for getting anxious. There is never a long time between stories with a health focus, whether physical or mental. We can easily leaf through a magazine and pick out features on various celeb health scares. In that light, it doesn’t take much to get worried about our own health.

Depending on what you read, though, the way you think about health can be turned in one direction or another. It’s easy to arrive at the conclusion that health problems are caused by a hard-partying lifestyle. “He’s looking ill. Maybe it’s all the drinking, or the short-term flings…”. But sometimes, people get ill for no reason, and that’s the scariest thing of all.

Yes, when you read about a health scare or an epidemic, it’s easy to get frightened. After the year that’s just been, another bad news story just feels like an addition to all the bad things that can happen. So it’s easy to forget that medically, we’ve never been better positioned.


Oh, yes. See, although there is no reason to get complacent about your health, it is also true that there is more that can be done now if it fails. Illnesses which would, when your grandparents were your age, have killed someone can now be cured. Others, which may not be curable right now, are manageable to the point of being just a thing. And research continues in the meantime.

Thanks to organizations like www.Poseida.com, gene management processes are leading to new breakthroughs. It’s not a reason to stop dieting, or to take up smoking, let’s be clear. But if you’re getting worried about the future, just know that some of the finest minds around are on it.

Think about it now: we can all name famous people who were taken too soon by AIDS or cancer, or other horrible illnesses. Sure, these problems still occur, and we have lost greats to them even recently. But we have also seen people who revealed that they were HIV-positive years ago – and are still alive and healthy today.

What Does The Future Hold?

Science is pushing boundaries back all the time. We are getting closer to cures for serious illnesses and finding new ways to combat symptoms. Mental health conditions are being identified and medicated. Nonetheless, it is worth living healthily in the present.

The very nature of scientific progress is that we can’t say something will happen, or when it will, before it does. As things are developed, they need to be tested. So just as we shouldn’t get too worried when we see bad health news, we shouldn’t turn cartwheels when the papers report miracle cures.

One thing scientists do know is that the best way to live healthier and for longer is to eat right and exercise often. It’s still a bad idea to drink to excess, smoke or do drugs. Medical science can help you if you help yourself. And the ways in which it can help you are more numerous every day.


Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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