4 Fitness Tips To Beat The Winter Slump

4 Fitness Tips To Beat The Winter Slump #fitness #exercise #workouts #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #healthy #life
4 Fitness Tips To Beat The Winter Slump #fitness #exercise #workouts #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #healthy #life

The end of the year is quickly approaching, and for most people, that means picking out New Years’ resolutions. While most people have every intention of following through on their fitness resolutions for the new year, it’s rare that they stick with their plan for much longer than the first month.

Why?  One reason that keeping up with fitness during the new year is so difficult is that maintaining your health and wellness during winter can be tricky. Use these winter tips to keep up with your fitness and make it through the hardest part of keeping up with your resolutions. (Image Credit: Tyler Nix/ Unsplash)

Pay Attention To Diet

While you can put in hours of work at the gym and see some results, for the most part, abs are made in the kitchen. In fact, two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese, a great deal of which is caused by poor diet. Eating right is a necessary step to fitness that many people overlook.

Healthy eating will look slightly different for everyone, but generally speaking, make sure you’re cutting down on junk food and eating enough fruits and vegetables instead. U.S. Dietary Guidelines state that an intake of at least 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables per day is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack.

Make The Most Of Vacation

Planning on taking a vacation this winter? There’s no reason your activity levels should drop just because of a break in your routine. Studies have shown that approximately 300 minutes of moderate activity is the most optimal for shedding pounds. That’s not that much time at all. Plus, moderate activity doesn’t mean you’re running an Ironman, it means maybe taking that two-hour scenic hike or not skipping the bike tour while vacationing.

It’s much easier to keep working out once you establish the habit, so look for ways to stay active even if you’re far from home. A vacation could even be a good chance to try out a new sport or hobby to keep you moving. If you’re traveling somewhere tropical, for example, why not check out surfing or waterskiing? A whopping 19.6% of Millennials participate in water sports, making them an incredibly popular option for enjoying vacations and staying active at the same time.

Healthy Colorful Fruit Bowls

Look For Indoor Options

Many people enjoy taking their exercise outdoors, but this can cause problems in establishing a routine if the weather is unreliable. Exercising outside is perfectly fine, and can in fact make your workouts more productive. However, you’ll want to have an indoor plan for your favorite activity as well. For example, tennis works great as both an indoor and outdoor sport, with many local parks and gyms having outdoor and indoor courts. The sport also makes for a great cardio workout: playing tennis for fun can burn around 169 calories in 30 minutes for a woman.

Struggling? Try Supplements

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to shed that last little bit of belly fat, especially during winter. As it turns out, there may be a scientific reason behind this: a lack of vitamin D. Lower levels of vitamin D are thought to reduce fat breakdown and trigger fat storage, leading to an average weight gain of two to four pounds each year in autumn and winter.

To combat this, as well as some possible emotional and psychological side effects of lacking vitamin D, consider adding some supplements to your normal daily routine.

Sticking to a fitness plan despite all the fitness myths out there year-round can be tricky, especially when winter makes it difficult to stay motivated. If you’re looking to improve your fitness routine in 2020, use these fitness tips to get started. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to hit the beach when summer comes around again.

Timothy Beck Werth was born on the Fourth of July. He studied journalism, film, and radio at the University of Southern California. Previously, he worked as a reporter and copywriter in Los Angeles.
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