Small Steps Towards A Healthy Lifestyle

Small Steps Towards A Healthy Lifestyle #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #healthandfitness #healthierlifestyle #healthyliving #health

We’re halfway through 2021, and you’re no closer to reaching your health and fitness goals than you were this time last year. You feel like you’ve tried everything from educating yourself to investing in gadgets and wellness programs, but your efforts seem pointless. You’re just about ready to give up, but the physical and emotional advantages that healthy living brings to your life are too good to pass up. Ultimately, your only solution is to keep trying until something works. 

If the above scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone. The key is to not be so hard on yourself. While there’s a certain amount of pressure that comes with setting and meeting goals, failure to balance this stress can throw everything off track. You’ve grown accustomed to poor habits and routines over the years. As much as you want to do right, it takes time to unlearn old behaviors and replace them with healthy choices. 

Baby Step Your Way To Success

Instead of trying to pile on too many things at once, baby steps your way towards better living. Making small changes to your daily routines and habits and sticking to these changes will ultimately generate the results you’re looking for. At the end of the day, some progress is better than nothing. So if you’re tired of not achieving your health and wellness goals, consider these baby steps listed below. 

  • Take A Multivitamin – Your mind and body need more than 100 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to properly function. Unfortunately, most adults don’t get the required daily dose from food sources to truly thrive. Taking a multivitamin every day bridges the gap ensuring that you get everything you need. 
  • Walk For 15 Minutes – Though physical activity is essential to your health, no one is expecting you to suddenly start working out an hour a day. Start small by walking for at least 15 minutes. Whether you walk in the morning, during your lunch break, or after dinner, walking can improve heart health, lower your blood pressure, regulate appetite and weight, enhance your mood, and so much more. 
  • Switch to Toothpaste Tablets – Proper oral hygiene is vital to your health and wellness, but many adults fail to brush their teeth as recommended. Making a simple change like switching to toothpaste tablets can help. It eliminates the messiness of getting the toothpaste out of the tube, saves you time with your morning routines, reduces the spread of germs, and encourages you to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If your teeth and gums are in bad shape you may want to start looking for a dentist first.
  • Buy A New Bedset – Do you find it hard to get to the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night? Perhaps it’s your sleep environment. While you may not have the funds or resources to renovate your entire bedroom, a small change like buying a new blanket or bamboo pillow could enhance your sleep quality. Yes! Sleep is important, if in doubt, check out these sleep statistics, and learn more. 
  • Drink One Smoothie A Day – Switching your diet is one of the most challenging parts of healthy living. When you’re used to greasy, fatty, sugary, or salty foods, your body craves things you shouldn’t have. Instead of trying to eat clean overnight, why not start with one smoothie a day? Drinking a smoothie filled with fruits, vegetables, seeds, and other healthy ingredients can help make the transition to healthy foods easier. 
  • Meditate For Five Minutes – Allowing overwhelming emotions to pile on every day can adversely affect your physical and mental health. Though several methods improve your emotional well-being, meditation is at the top of the list. Take one small step towards better living by meditating for five minutes a day. Doing so helps to clear your mind, lower your blood pressure, and enhance your mood. 

Transitioning to a healthier lifestyle is beneficial but not easy. If you feel like you’re hitting a wall in your quest to live a better life, you’re not alone. Although there are several reasons you could be falling short of your goals, one of the first things to consider is the amount of pressure you’re under. Rather than bog yourself down with too many goals or changes at once, consider taking small steps like those listed above. Accomplishing these minor tasks every day until the end of the year will generate results you never knew were possible.