How To Stay Fit While Traveling

How To Stay Fit While Traveling
How To Stay Fit While Traveling

Written By:  Katie Dunlop

Sticking to your diet and fitness routine while traveling can be a challenge. It usually means a decrease in exercise and an increase in calories consumed. So how do you keep the weight off while still enjoying your vacation? Like anything, you must have a plan. You may not always have access to a gym, but with the right tools you can enjoy your trip guilt-free.

Push It Real Good

This isn’t the time to take a vacation from your workouts. If anything, with all the extra indulgences, it’s more of a reason to make sure you get them in! Commit 20 minutes to yourself first thing in the morning and you’ll make better decisions all day.

  • Pack resistance bandsThey take up basically no room in your suitcase and will take your hotel room workouts to the next level
  • Take the stairsYou can burn about 10 calories for every minute you spend on the stairs & avoid awkward elevator silence with strangers 
  • Do one of my Hot Body Sweat Guide workouts. They take less than 30 minutes and you can literally do them ANYWHERE!

Drink Up

Water is KEY! Between long flights, late nights, salty foods and hot weather you can easily get dehydrated which can quickly suck the fun out of your trip!

Dehydration can cause headaches, fatigue and even stress all of which are no fun on vacay.

  • Women should drink 1.6-2.0 liters of water/day
  • Men should drink around 3.0 liters/day
  • Always drink a full glass of water for every cocktail you have

How To Stay Fit While Traveling

Vacation 101: Crunches before cocktails! On the low end, one cocktail will add at least 100 calories to your day and they add up fast! My go-to is a tequila with soda water and lime, it has never steered me wrong.

Keep It Clean

Of course you’re going to indulge, but don’t overdo it. The more you can try to stick to your regular diet, the better.

  • When eating out, fill up on healthy lean proteins and veggies first
  • Always carry a healthy snack such as; nuts, dried fruit or a protein bar
  • Pick and chose where you want to splurge so you don’t overdo it

I know with these 3 simple tips you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation and return home feeling refreshed and ready to press on! Checkout more tips to lose weight, strengthen your body and get toned fast on

20 minute Hotel Room Workout

  • Do a 2-5 minute warm-up to get your blood circulating.
  • Repeat the set 4 times
  • Move quickly through each exercise with little to no breaks.

 Wall Sits 1 min – Every room has 4 of these, post up on one of them and feel your thighs and booty burn!

Armchair Triceps Dips 10 – No weights? No problem! The armchair in your hotel room is the perfect set up for some triceps work

Alternating Lunges – Don’t forget your legs! Bands can be used to work out every part of the body

Bed Incline Push-Up’s 10 – After catching some extra z’s, use your hotel room bed to work those arms! Use the edge of the bed to create an inclined push up

About The Author: Katie Dunlop is an IG/YouTube fitness guru who created the popular program, Love Sweat Fitness.  She is an advocate for accessible, equipment-free workouts which she shares on her YouTube channel and through her Hot Body Guides.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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