4 Questions You Need to Ask About Your Website Content

Beverly hills magazine 4 questions to ask yourself about your website
#bevhills #website strategy

Business owners must constantly be revisiting and revising their website content if they want to stay on top of such a competitive market. Even those who have a strong niche and loyal audience can fall behind the curve if they focus more on revenue than their audience’s needs. Today, highly sales-oriented content is at the bottom of consumers’ wants. They are less interested in hearing about your business and instead want to know why your products and services give them what they’re looking for. As you work toward improving your website content, here are four questions to ask.

Do I Look Up Current Trends?

What are people in your core audience segments looking up right now? By “right now,” we mean within the last week, not the last year. It’s astonishing how many businesses only conduct serious audience research when they’re launching. Once money begins to roll in, they stop looking at what their target customers are doing and focus more on selling products and services that perform well. While you should always go with what works, you should also not miss out on the core opportunity to provide trending, keyword-rich, high-value content to your audience based on their current interests and emerging needs.

Am I Using the Right Format?

Different types of content resonate with different people. If you aren’t providing what your competitors are, then you’ll quickly become less appealing to your audience. Keep an eye out for what other businesses in your industry are doing. How is their engagement varying by post and format? Is yours comparable, or do you need to make adjustments to at least be on the same level? Being a trendsetter or follower isn’t what matters here; it’s about ensuring your website is always up-to-date with the ever-evolving standard of content your audience expects.

Is My SEO for Me or My Audience?

The number one way your business can increase its revenue organically through SEO is by focusing on intent over keywords. While what people search for is important, the reason why they’re searching trumps that tenfold. By implementing SEO strategies that emphasize visitor intent over business propositions, you can craft content that naturally converts. When you begin to focus on intent SEO, you’ll find that your rank increases dramatically without expensive advertising. You’ll also be much more likely to attract authentic engagement across all channels and reduce bounce rates.

Is There a Clear Pipeline?

How do people move through your site? Is someone who arrives on a landing page being guided through a sales funnel via email marketing or internal links? Websites that lack a cohesive marketing pipeline can have killer content but still fail to convert. The value of your website will fail to deliver if there’s no navigation in place. Customers need a map that takes them from point A to Z seamlessly. Take a close look at your site, and try to go through it as if you were a first-time visitor. Is it easy to find what you’re looking for? Does the user experience feel like it’s one imbued with purpose, or are you aimlessly being talked to’ without any real reason?

Peace is a freelance content writer who enjoys reading, acquiring knowledge and she loves to code.
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