What is Behavioral Segmentation and How to Use It?

What is Behavioral Segmentation and How to Use It? #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #behavioralsegmentation #behavioralretargeting #targetaudience #websitevisitors #marketingcampaign #marketingstrategy

Segmentation is a powerful tool for understanding the behavioral patterns of website visitors. It aids in dividing all users into segments or into smaller groups and focusing on the needs of each individual group.

This, in turn, will allow you to provide more personalized service and content that better suits their wants and needs. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What behavioral segmentation is
  • How to use/implement it
  • How it can help you understand your customers better
  • Examples of successful implementation

Now, let’s proceed with the content:

What is behavioral segmentation?

Behavioral segmentation is easy to understand. It is an amazing marketing strategy that focuses on dividing website visitors into segments based on behavioral patterns. A lot of companies would even use behavioral segmentation to boost traffic for their website. Why do they do this? Well, boosting traffic for a website aids to generate leads and increases conversion rates. With an increased conversion rate, companies can then see an increase in sales.

There are so many ways to segment your target audience, and behavioral data is just one of them. There are physical elements (gender, age, etc.), behavioral patterns (browsing history), contextual elements (a device used), and so much more that can be included for segmentation purposes.

For example, if you’re running an online store, understanding the different segments of people who visit your site will allow you to tailor your marketing messages specifically to them. You’ll be able to create ads that resonate with their needs and wants, which in turn could lead to more sales. It also allows you to test different versions of pages or products against each other- seeing what works best for which group.

How to use/implement it?

There are several ways you could do this– the simplest being user tagging, where users have a certain tag added automatically depending on what they chose during their registration process or based on their actions taken while browsing the site. This type of behavioral targeting works best when there’s only one possible thing people could do- like purchasing products in an online store.

Another way would be through tracking code implementation, where the information collected by tiny bits of JavaScript is placed here and there in the code of your website. This data is then automatically collected, and behavioral segments are created based on it.

Another popular way to use behavioral segmentation is through behavioral retargeting. The latter is a form of targeted online advertising which basically means that people who have already visited your website are getting ads shown to them on various other websites or platforms, but only if they meet certain criteria- like browsing through men’s shoes, for example.

With behavioral segmentation, you can perform analysis and tests much faster than with standard forms of data collection because it has more detailed information about individual users.

How can it help you understand your customers better?

A lot of you might still be confused about how behavioral segmentation can help you understand your customers better. After all, it’s just a fancy term for dividing people into groups, right? Wrong.

Behavioral segmentation is one of the most powerful tools that companies have to understand their customers because it allows them to see how different behavioral patterns correlate with purchase behavior. It also helps identify new customer types and how they differ from current ones. This type of data is gold since it arms businesses with the knowledge of what actions to take to acquire more customers like those identified and how best to serve their needs- increasing the chances of sales in the process!

Examples of successful implementation

There are many companies that have successfully implemented behavioral segmentation and targeting into their marketing campaigns. One great example is the online retailer Amazon.

Since its establishment in 1995, Amazon has been using behavioral data to understand its customers better and create a more personalized shopping experience for them. This ranges from collecting data on what items are being browsed and added to carts to understanding customer behavior on different devices- like desktop or mobile.

This wealth of data is then used by Amazon’s team of experts who design targeted marketing campaigns specifically for each behavioral segment identified. These campaigns take into account the interests of the customer as well as their past purchase history. The results? A whopping 44% of all sales for Amazon come through these targeted marketing campaigns!

Another great example is Facebook which uses a combination of user activity (behavioral), demographic (demographic), and self-reported information to perform targeted ads. Facebook has managed to increase its revenue by 49% in an 18-month period through implementing behavioral segmentation and retargeting ads.

These are just two great examples of companies that have seen great results from behavioral segmentation in their marketing campaigns, but there are many more.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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