Tips To De-Stress Like A Celebrity

Tips To De-Stress Like A Celebrity
Tips To De-Stress Like A Celebrity

While the life of a celebrity might seem glamorous, it’s not always as relaxing as it might seem. From constant criticism from the media to the pressure of remembering lines, their lives are not always a walk in the park. This can cause immense stress which can then lead to a number of health issues. So it’s important that celebrities take the time to de-stress regularly. But this is not something that only applies to celebs. All of us need to reduce stress in order to stay as fit and healthy as possible. Here are some de-stressing tricks that many celebrities use that are both enjoyable and affordable.

Practice Meditation

Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey, and Hugh Jackman are just a handful of celebrities who are big fans of meditation. This is a de-stressing method which has been used for centuries to overcome stress and to help relax the mind. It provides quiet time where you can reflect on your chaotic life and gain an overall feeling of calm. You can meditate at home using meditation DVDs or online tutorials to guide you. Or you can attend a meditation group at a local gym or park. There are a number of different forms of meditation such as mindful and Zen to choose from. So try a few different options to see which works best for you.

Try to meditate at least once a week in order to keep feelings of stress at bay. Now remember, meditation is not prayer where you speak to God. Meditation is a relaxation technique where you slow your breathing, calm your mind, and find your center of calm.

Tips To De-Stress Like A CelebrityCooking

Cooking is a fantastic way of unleashing your creativity and reducing your stress. Fun celebrity chefs such as Lauren Conrad and Blake Lively often share their love for cooking on social media. So if you want to relieve your stress, it’s time to get into your kitchen. Cooking gives you control which can stop you feeling so anxious and overwhelmed. Like meditation, it also provides time to reflect and pinpoint the cause of your stress. Why not follow the social media accounts of your favorite A-listers for meal ideas and inspiration. You could also attend weekly cooking or baking classes to enhance your skills and boost your confidence.

Tips To De-Stress Like A CelebrityStop With The Sweets

Now, this may come as a surprise, but candy and sugary sweets are very bad for you. Sugar a stimulant that has the same effects has a narcotic drug that negatively affects your brains. It also affects your bodies normal physiological functions, including emotions, hormones, blood pressure, nerves and more. Sugar is a carcinogen and is a leading cause of cancer. So to de-stress stay away from SUGAR!!! It just might be killing you. You’ll feel so much healthier when you remove sugar from your diet entirely. Just say NO!

Tips To De-Stress Like A Celebrity

Get A Massage

Massages come highly recommended by a number of celebrities including Jennifer Aniston as a means of destressing. Whether you have a deep tissue massage or a foot massage, the pressure applied relieves tension. Massages also encourage stronger blood circulation, cell regeneration and reduce inflammation. This will leave you feeling more relaxed while also rejuvenating your skin and body. To destress like a true A-lister, opt for a cupping massage.

This traditional technique involves applying specialist cups to your skin which creates suction. It’s a type of massage that many celebs claim to have regularly to help them relax. So find out more about cupping, deep tissue or any other kind of massage, visit your nearest spa.

These celebrity de-stressing tricks can have you feeling more relaxed after a tough week. If they are good enough for A-list stars, there are bound to have you feeling fabulous in no time.

So why not try them for yourself to see just how effective they can be.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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