Tips For A Stylish And Secure Home

Tips For A Stylish And Secure Home
Tips For A Stylish And Secure Home

Must haves for a stylish and secure home

Keeping your home both secure and stylish can be tough. While you want to protect your family against potential threats and bad weather, there’s no need to let design fall by the wayside. However, balancing these two factors of home ownership is easier than you might believe. There are a range of tips and techniques you can use to keep your home both safe and fashion-forward. From using different lighting, both indoors and out, to experimenting with textiles and door and soundproof uPVC window designs, your home can be your design canvas. So if you are keen to let the creative juices flow, use the below must-haves as your inspiration.

 Stylish furnishings

Most thieves won’t risk a break in if they know they are going to get caught. However, as a homeowner, you can take steps to keep your valuables secure and out of temptation’s way. If you have any games consoles, televisions or computers in view, and in your living room, then it’s easy to prevent them being seen from the street. Investing in a new pair of curtains, or some stylish blinds, is an easy way to minimize the risk of theft. There are ranges of options on the market that allow the light to come in, while providing privacy at the same time. So why not splash out on some new blinds this fall, and inject some glamour into your home – while helping to keep it safe.

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 Tips For A Stylish And Secure HomeLighting

Subtle uses of lighting can give your home a much-needed makeover. In fact, using effective lighting is also a great way to help deter opportunists as the cold, long nights roll on. If your yard is gloomy and dingy, then this is sure to attract thieves. Keep your garage and property safe by installing some outdoor light fixtures to keep robbers away. When it comes to the interior of your home, consider using a timer or having subtle lighting on during the day if you are at the office long hours. This is a simple way to make it look like someone is still at home, and is a cheap deterrent. So if you have only thought about your Christmas lighting then think again. It’s important to protect your entire home too.

 Tips For A Stylish And Secure HomeDoors and windows

Doors and windows are your home’s weak spots. The majority of opportunists will look to see how sturdy your locks are before deciding whether to enter your property. So it’s up to you to make sure that they can withstand brute force. If your doors are a bit dated, then why not consider replacing them? You could even consider choosing a different color or model to give your entrance hall a lift. If this isn’t within your budget, painting old frames and doors will give your property a lease of life.  Although we take our doors and windows for granted, it’s essential to keep them well maintained if you want to protect your home.

 If you think your home is at risk, then now is the time to improve your current levels of security. By making a few changes, you will have a stylish and safe home ready for winter.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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