How to Increase Productivity of Remote Workers

How to Increase the Productivity of Your Remote Workers #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #remoteworkers #workingfromhome #staffproductivity #increaseproductivity #remotenetworking

We are currently living through a global health crisis, unlike any seen for at least three generations. It is because of this, the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic, that many of us have found ourselves working from home with no projected date of return to our offices. And, while many love remote working, many do not. It is the very nature of being able to work from home that provokes laziness and a lack of motivation in some people. Increasing the productivity of your remote workers is very important, should you want the work to get done and your clients satisfied. (Image Credit: Wirestock/Freepik)

This page will offer you a few ways of tracking remote workers and increase their productivity. These concepts are essential, otherwise, you can waste valuable time and money on employees who are not simply making the grade. It is very often the employees that drag down a company. And if yours are unmotivated and unproductive, it’s time to start looking for some new ones. But, before that, try to motivate them to increase their productivity.

Here is how to increase the productivity of your remote workers in a few simple steps.

Networking Exercises

Remote networking exercises are a very successful and proven method of improving the productivity of your remote workers. Networking exercises, while online, will allow you to work openly with your staff and hear their opinions. More importantly, it helps them brush up communication skills in the absence of any human-to-human contact.

How to Increase the Productivity of Your Remote Workers #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #remoteworkers #workingfromhome #staffproductivity #increaseproductivity #remotenetworking
(Image Credit: Visuals/Unsplash)

Globally, times are hard, and many companies, according to, are looking for ways to energize and educate their remote teams, boosting their productivity. Networking exercises can be held intermittently and can be managed over video conferences and calls. Networking exercises are a great way to boost productivity – trust us.

Peer Coaching

Peer coaching is another successful and proven method of improving your staff’s productivity. This provides another avenue to communicate with other staff members. First, go through your staff roster and put them into peer groups of twos or threes. Next, instruct them to check up on each other every three days through video call. You will find bonds are forged and work gets completed. It will also give your staff a sense of camaraderie. Peer coaching is an innovative and motivational way to keep your staff productive and work on track.

Pitch Challenges

As with the other two suggestions on this list, pitch challenges are a method of improving productivity with a high success ratio. Were it not for this pandemic’s grueling isolation, pitch challenges would be carried out in-person at meetings and retreats. But, as with much in life now, we must assimilate to our pitch challenges being undergone solely online. You can set up a video call with your entire body of staff and have them individually, one-by-one, take the floor and pitch a marketing pitch to your staff. It will build confidence, communication, and motivate your employees to work harder.

How to Increase the Productivity of Your Remote Workers #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #remoteworkers #workingfromhome #staffproductivity #increaseproductivity #remotenetworking
(Image Credit: Chris Montgomery/Unsplash)


When trying to build confidence and boost productivity in your staff, role-playing offers opportunities for great success. However, it is also one of the hardest things for many people to do, as it requires a level of confidence that is seldom seen. Make it less intense and more intimate by having your employees role-play one-on-one with you. You can also have them role-play with one another. Create scenarios and have your employees act them out with each other. This will increase their productivity tenfold. After all, they will want to prepare and know the subject with which they are roleplaying lest they fail the exercise. Give them subjects to role-play that pertain to their work.

Sharing Stories

Taking time out of your employee’s busy schedule to have them meet in a video conference and share their isolation stories is a way to build a bond with your employees. Times are hard for everybody at the moment, with no exemptions. Sharing stories between your staff creates a level of friendship that could not otherwise be found. And, with friendship, comes productivity. They will want to please you and other superiors, as well as the rest of their team, so that they do not let anyone down.

Hopefully, with the help of this page, you now know a few ways to boost the productivity of your staff. While you should always drop dead weight, remember that times are hard. Be sympathetic to staff that is struggling. A little bit of kindness can unquestionably go a very long way.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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