How To Get Beautiful, Natural, Long Nails

How To Get Beautiful, Natural, Long Nails. #BevHillsMag #beverlyhillsmagazine #beauty #nails
How To Get Beautiful, Natural, Long Nails. #BevHillsMag #beverlyhillsmagazine #beauty #nails

Hello ladies! Today we are going to share with you some simple beauty tips that will allow you to get long, natural, beautiful nails. First, I want you to know that true beauty is natural. There is no substitute for it. True beauty cannot be bought, it cannot be created by man, nor can it be ruined. Let’s get you on the path to true beauty today!

Best Foods

First, if the saying is true, that we are what we eat, than we might as well eat healthy and sweet right?!  The Vegan diet has become so popular because it is actually the healthiest way to eat. It consists mainly of fruits, vegetables and natural grains or protein sources, like beans. The body is designed to break down and absorb that which it ingests. So when you eat natural foods, your body with retain the highest levels of nutrients needed for optimal health. These nutrients are what contribute to clear skin, healthy organs, hair, and nail growth. Vegan diets are the best.

Eliminate Toxins

A toxin is anything that is unnatural to the body and could potentially cause harm. Some foods and drinks that are commonplace are actually not ideal for your body to function at its greatest capacity to achieve the highest level of health. Some of the toxins to eliminate include sugar, caffeine, red meats, and dairy products. Human beings were created to thrive, and live forever, on a fruit and vegetable diet. Maintaining a clean, pure, and natural diet is the best way to get longer hair and nails, and an improved overall health.

Love and Attention

Equally important is when my nails were short I gave them focused love and attention to them. Simply put, I started taking better care of my nails. That’s right, I would give them love. I would manicure them myself, and sometimes I would paint them, even when they were short. You can always go to nail salons and get manicures there too if you want some time to relax and be pampered. Either way, they say where your attention goes, your energy flows, and it’s true. What you give love to, you’re going to get a return on that investment of love. So I encourage you to love your nails today!

Purity and Prayer

The truth is my nails weren’t always this naturally long and strong. When I got born again, and started walking with the LORD, I would pray for the little things that I wanted. One of them was long natural nails. When we obey Him, and keep all of His commandments in the Bible, He promises to give us the desires of our heart. Get baptized and you will receive teh Holy Spirit. He will enable you to keep all of God’s commandments to achieve purity before God. This was one of my heart’s desires, God answered my prayer and allowed my nails to grow long and strong. Jesus is the God of Creation. He created Earth in 6 days supernaturally. He will answer your prayers and make supernatural things happen, including giving you uncommonly beautiful natural long nails.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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