The therapy for the pediatric pelvic floor is aimed at correcting the bladder-voiding dysfunction in children, it involves the use of biofeedback to help the child gain control over his/her pelvic floor muscles so that he/she can empty the bladder ...

It’s no secret that men are often held to a higher standard regarding their performance in bed. Whether it’s due to cultural pressure or something else entirely, the fact remains that many men feel they need to “perform” to be ...

If you have a family member who is struggling with addiction, you want to do everything in your power to help them through the recovery process. It can be difficult, but with patience and perseverance, you can make a big ...

As a measure of caution during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals decided to halt their regular trips to the dentist. It is easily understandable given the fact that at the time, the medical community was having ...

There are plenty of reasons why you might experience low energy, and many of these are lifestyle and diet-related. Some simple changes to your daily life can make a massive difference to how energetic you are and can truly improve ...

If you are living with depression and struggling with addiction, you understand what a challenge this can pose to your daily life. How do you go about treating depression? What if you are suffering from addiction and you aren’t sure ...

Mental health is just as important as physical health and should be treated with the same level of importance. According to the World Health Organization, one out of four people in the world will suffer from a mental or neurological ...

Becoming healthier and establishing healthy habits can often seem overwhelming. If you’re already extremely busy with work or looking after your kids, then it’s even harder to get enough motivation to change your life and establish new routines. However, not ...

One of the biggest reasons to be glad you were born in the modern age has to be advanced dentistry. A quick look at dentistry history shows that treatments used to be pretty grim. How would you like the dentist ...

There are lots of ways to improve your mental health, and while some of them may feel pretty obvious, this isn’t always the case. Maybe you’ve been making attempts to figure out how to love yourself more but something just ...

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