Best Ways To Secure Your Business Data

Best Ways To Secure Your Business Data
Best Ways To Secure Your Business Data

There are so many data breaches occurring on a regular basis, businesses have to be stricter in their data protection methods. Leaks and data theft are two of the most common forms of crime in the modern world. The Sony hack in 2014 and the Panama Papers hack highlight the perils a breach of data can cause an organization. It’s something you have to think about. And it’s not just the way you secure your data, it’s the business relationships you have and the working practices that will prevent breaches in security. There are some simple processes to take on board.

Disposing Of Data Correctly

A very simple, yet effective thing to think about. How you dispose of your data is an insight into how you run your organization. A few simple ways to dispose of paper data is to have designated waste bins where the data can get shredded at the end of the day. This can be easily rectified with paper and physical items. It is harder to dispose of computerized data quickly and effectively. If you have information on hard drives, you can use a drive degausser, which is one of the few ways of wiping the system memory properly. It also beats throwing your computer in the garbage and hoping it isn’t stolen by hackers!

Physically Protecting Your Data

Often overlooked, but don’t underestimate it. Protecting your data physically is another simple approach. If you have servers, keeping them under lock and key and limiting access to a few people will work very well. If your company has many visitors and clients, you need to make sure the security is as strict as possible. While people view antivirus software and the internal programs as key methods of protection. You can underestimate how easy it is for something to be physically stolen!

Systematic Protection

Software encryption and antivirus programs are what you need regardless of your business type! Even if your company is small and seemingly unimportant in comparison to the big multinationals, you are still at risk of data theft. Using more than one network for additional security or having password-protected software is two methods used by many businesses. The benefits of having a VPN (virtual private network) in your business will be an additional layer that you will be grateful for. Operating on a public network leaves you open to hackers that can steal important information from right under your nose. VPNs, antivirus tools, and firewalls are a few methods that big businesses use. It’s time you started using these too. Viruses and rogue software are constantly evolving, and you need to keep up to speed. You need to have someone in your midst that is able to keep abreast of trends in this manner, or your business will get targeted. You will lose data and incur hefty fines and lose custom as a result.

Protection covers many areas, so do your research, and implement safe and sensible working practices in your business.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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