The modern hen night is a unique event. There are few things which can be as exciting and memorable as a hen night. (Photo by Zoriana Stakhniv/Unsplash)
But what makes a good event? How do you organize it? Well, these are the questions that we thought we would sit down and try to answer. We’re going to be taking a look at how you would go about organizing a hen night with the girls that keeps everyone happy and look at six tips for doing so.
Talk to the Bride in Advance
Something that you can do when it comes to making the most from your hen night is to talk to the bride in advance. It’s always a good idea to try and figure out precisely what it is that you can do to make sure that she gets the best night possible.
You can find out a lot from just one conversation. Think of it as collecting valuable information about the event in advance — the mission brief. You can identify what kind of entertainment the bride would like – does she want a naked butler team or is she more of a stripper gal? It might help to have a set of questions ready in advance because that gives you a more structured conversation and ensures you don’t miss out on any of the details.
Work on a Guest List
Now that you’ve identified what the bride-to-be wants from her event, you can get to work planning it for her. The first thing to do is to work out who you want to invite. A task such as the guest list can be difficult because you want to pick people who are both going to mean something to the bride and also people who will improve the night and not put it in jeopardy.
We recommend that you consult with both a trusted girl and a trusted guy for advice. They can offer two perspectives on the interpersonal relationships and social dynamic which you’re proposing, and this knowledge can help you make smart decisions. If you don’t have to plan something alone, it’s advised you don’t.

Plan the Basic Details
Now that you have figured out who you want to invite to your event, the next logical step is to plan out all the essential details. These can be so important to get right. You’ll want to make sure that there is a location chosen, activities hired out, and a schedule put together for the night.
Planning for an event like this one may well seem like a chore. You might not want to do it, but it’ll help if you do. You can rest easy knowing that the whole thing is taken care of and that you won’t have to worry about the details at the end. It brings peace of mind, which is a valuable thing for any planner to have, especially as the clock ticks ever closer to the event itself.
Get A Group Chat Going
It is 2019, people. Planning an event is always a good idea, and you can coordinate with people more efficiently if everyone has a place they can talk to each other on, like Facebook, for example. Having a group chat for the event is a good plan.
Not only can you sort out details with more ease, but you can also start one of the most essential processes for the event – the bonding of the attendees. People who might not know each other or get along all that well can start to form an all-important connection. You’ve got to remember that you’re not doing this for your comfort – you’re doing it for the bride.
Figure Out Expenses
So, let’s try and figure out how the expenses are going to work with this type of event. You need to establish quite early on who is paying for what and when because this information will become relevant quite quickly. In a lot of cases, the people who are attending the event all chip in, but it depends entirely on the situation. When you consider that the wedding itself is not going to be a cheap affair, you can begin to see the logic in all of her friends, giving her a night to remember.
Now, we say Vegas, but in truth, we’re trying to help you work out if you intend on going abroad. There’s a lot of benefits to doing so, but it’s also quite expensive and requires you to plan further ahead. You can go to Vegas or another destination quite happily, but you should also be aware that this can impact the way that you celebrate, so keep it in mind.
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