We Definitely Do! The Biggest Wedding Rings Trends This Year

We Definitely Do! The Biggest Wedding Rings Trends This Year #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #weddingrings #weddingband #gemstones #engagementring #diamond #marriedcouples
Image Used With Permission By Jeongim Kwon on Unsplash

How many people around you have uploaded the famous “she said yes” selfie on their social media in the last couple of months? Is it just us, or is everyone getting married now? Don’t get us wrong, we’re not jealous or anything, but it just seems like the calendar is filling up with RSVPs – and in this year, it has just begun…

“We’ve been talking about tying the knot for a while now, me and my partner, ”Joanne, 25 from Torrance, told us. “We just figured that with the economic situation and all, it is better to do it now than to wait for prices to rise even sharper. I mean, it’s not like it was a ‘make it or break it thing’, but more like a ‘why wait’ attitude.”

And Joanne is not alone here. Many young (and not so young) Americans are choosing their venues, DJs and flower arrangements these days, mainly for practical reasons. And you know what that means – a whole new wave of wedding trends, and if you are also joining forces (romantically) this year, you should be aware of them.

We’re here today to talk about wedding rings. Yes, popping the question, along with a stunning engagement ring, is a big step, but the actual band at the wedding is no less important – and some even say that it is much more important. Here’s what you should know about wedding rings trends in 2023 (and maybe even beyond).

1 – Better together

Every year, thousands of careless people – well, let’s admit it, most of them are men – lose their wedding rings. Whether it accidentally fell into the sink while washing hands, slipped out of a pocket or just outgrew the finger, these precious babies are losable.

The solution of a joint engagement ring and wedding band has been around for a really long time. However, this year it is really catching wind – thanks to the stylish designs that are now available for those who choose to combine.

Best Brilliance, a famous online jewelry retailer, offers a wide variety of bridal sets, for example. This means that the wedding band and the engagement ring are attached to each other. Make no mistake. This does not mean that you are saving expenses on your loved one. While this is one, joint piece of jewelry, it is made up of two rings that can compete with each other in terms of beauty.

Here’s an example, if you still can’t envision it.

Zuri diamond bridal set
Image Used With Permission By Best Brilliance

This is known as the Zuri bridal set, and it is exclusive to Best Brilliance. Note how the engagement ring, with its 3 carats of gorgeous diamonds, blends in so harmonically with the underlying wedding band – on which you can get a personal engraving, if you choose to (and we definitely recommend that you do – but more on that later on…). Not a big fan of the rose finishing? No problem. They have it in white, yellow, and even platinum.

2 – Up close and personal

There’s no denying that a wedding ring, on top of being stunning, needs to be something special. Over the years, many wedding rings have found ways to recreate and reinvent themselves, but sometimes it feels like they are missing a touch of personalization – a ‘this is me’ tag to them. One of the popular ways to pass that barrier is to have an engraving on them (usually on the inside).

But you probably know that. Why are we telling you this now again? Because 2023 is going to be the year in which wedding band engraving is going to be taken to the next level. If you’re going to get married this year, we suggest that you start thinking ‘creative’.

Don’t settle for your names or a generic ‘forever together’. The date of your wedding is also not enough. Think surprising, think astonishing, and yes, you can even think a bit on the funny side. Maybe a private joke or a word that takes you both to a memory that only you share. Perhaps something in a different language. Maybe even a small symbol which is not necessarily a word or letter.

Just like tattoos, wedding ring engravings demand an ‘outside the box’ thinking. The last thing you probably want is to sit down with another married couple and to find out that – surprise, surprise – you both went for the same text. Don’t you agree?

3 – The more, the merrier

Think that the gist of a wedding ring, or any other ring for that matter, is one big eye-popping diamond? Think again. This may have to do with the economic situation, but in 2023, people are going for several small rocks on their rings instead of just one huge one.

Take a look at this magnificent gemstone ring, for example. It has three rows of petite gemstones, designed to blend in so well together and adding up to more than 1 carat of sparkling beauty. And yes, this band also comes in different colors, and can be found on Best Brilliance’s online store.

In the end, they are just wedding rings…

Okay, what we’re going to tell you now might sound contradictory to all of these trends, but don’t forget – no jewelry, no matter how shiny or expensive it is, can replace the strength of the bond between you and your special someone. So make your wedding one to remember.

Hold up, let us clarify this last sentence. It is important that you make your wedding one that you and your chosen one will cherish and remember. Listen to the advice of the people around you, but make sure that every decision you make about this special event is to your liking, and don’t make a decision just to be considerate of others. That’s pretty much the best piece of advice we can give you.

But don’t hold back on that wedding ring, huh?

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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