Top 5 Gadgets for Your Commercial Vehicles

Top 5Top 5 Gadgets for Your Commercial Vehicles #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #commercialvehicles #gadgets #safetytechnology #increasecomfort #bevhillsmag Gadgets for Your Commercial Vehicles

Whether you work as a courier or have a fleet or company car, your commercial vehicle can benefit from the latest gadgets. They not only make day-to-day life easier but also improve safety. Hitting the road every day, you can’t always be in control of every risk. The safety of your staff and assets can depend on how well-equipped your vehicles are. In fact, your business will run more smoothly if you invest in a few upgrades for your commercial vehicles.

Dash Cam

If you want to protect your staff and assets you should invest in a state-of-the-art dual dash cam. This will record the road and your driver while using AI learning technology to detect near-misses and distracted driving. It’s also incredibly useful if you’re wondering what to do after a car accident. It helps exonerate your drivers in the case of an accident and can provide the information you need to develop safety training. Dash cams can also reduce your insurance premium.

Speed Camera Locator

Many people get caught out speeding, even when it’s completely unintentional. By installing one of the best radar detectors in your commercial vehicle, you’ll be able to prevent yourself or your staff from speeding. A speed camera locator gives notifications of current speed limits and issues a warning if you break them, promoting safer driving. It also helps you and your drivers to develop better habits.

Multi-port Car Charger

If you have couriers on the road for a long time then you’ll need the best car charger for your commercial vehicles. Look for car chargers with multiple ports, USB or other, to supply smartphones and other devices with sufficient power at all times. These can also be used for entertainment during breaks as well as any necessary communications. 

Tire Pressure Monitoring System

A wireless tire pressure motoring system (TPMS) is a must if you want to maintain prime fuel efficiency and avoid wasting money on costly or untimely flat tires. The best tire pressure monitoring systems display your tire health on the dash and are connected to wireless monitors on your tires. These are the latest in maintenance and safety technology and are especially handy for commercial vehicles. The monitoring system is also helpful for troubleshooting your vehicle for potential repairs or re-balancing.

Handgel Dispenser

A smart CARhandGEL dispenser is exactly what your commercial vehicles need during the pandemic and won’t compromise on style. You can fit these neatly into the cup holder and easily apply hand sanitizer whenever necessary. This is ideal if you need to deliver items, refill at the gas station, or encounter other people or customers. You can protect yourself and your drivers at all times by minimizing the spread of germs.

The latest in auto technology can give your commercial vehicles the upgrades to increase comfort and safety for you and your drivers. It’s worth investing in a few gadgets to improve the driving experience. You’ll be able to deliver your goods and services more safely and efficiently. 

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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