Tips For Remodeling Your Home

Tips For Remodeling Your Home #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #remodelingyourhome #remodelahome #renovation #changelayout
Tips For Remodeling Your Home #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #remodelingyourhome #remodelahome #renovation #changelayout

There are many reasons why one would want to remodel a home. Maybe you’re trying to add some value to a worn-out home, or perhaps you’re just a bit bored of the space you’ve lived in for a long time. Either way, in this article, you will find some great tips for remodeling your home. Read on to find out more! ( Image Credit: Rene Asmussen/Pexels)

Out With The Old

First things first, decide what stays and what goes. If you’re doing a full remodeling, you may end up removing all the cabinets, all the furniture, and all the doors! Maybe you’re doing a more modest remodel, say, of the kitchen, living, and dining areas. In this case, you still need to decide what needs to go and what will stay. Do you want to remodel a full kitchen? Have some fun destroying the cabinets and counters, clear out everything you no longer want.

Know What You Want

Before you start, have a clear idea of what you want the finished design to look like. Do not smash up your kitchen without knowing how you want to re-fill that space. Get designs done, or draw up your own, and then speak to an expert about whether your ideas will work. Make a clear plan of your new layout, space, and storage requirements. Ensure you know where things will fit before removing the old! Don’t forget to make room for a mirror. Mirrors can make a space feel bigger and more spacious!

Post Clean Up

One problem with remodeling is the amount of mess made. All the tearing down and rebuilding creates quite a bit of waste and dust. As the folks over at point out, “The biggest nuisance is dust, penetrating carpets and furniture that are exposed to it.” Try to keep anything you are saving covered, and ensure everything that needs it, gets a proper clean post-build. 

Set Your Budget

Another handy tip is to ensure you have planned a reasonable budget before starting your project. Make sure you have thought of everything. It’s easy to forget small costs which may add up, so there should be some contingency within your budget too. Start with the biggest things like construction costs and materials, work down through furniture and appliances, and then end with paint and decorations. Be realistic and thorough, and you should avoid any nasty surprises down the line.

Budget Your Time, Too

It also doesn’t hurt to be realistic with time. Construction projects often run into unexpected hitches and amendments along the way. Maybe an unexpected plumbing issue, or something bigger like structural damage. Some things like this can cause week-long delays as new materials are ordered, or new people are drafted in. If you want your home finished in time for the holidays, be sure to budget an extra few weeks’ time to start the project, just to be sure!

Find Your Team

There’s a lot to consider when choosing your builder or construction company to do your project. Generally, the recommendation is to meet multiple people or crews. Get quotes for how much the construction work will cost and how long it will take. 

It is often tempting to go for the cheapest, but that is not always the smartest move. Take into account this person’s prior experience, and seek references from others they have worked for in the past. This way, you can be confident you are hiring someone with the right skills for the job.

Create A Safe Space

If you plan on living in your home throughout the renovation, this is a must. There should always be a space in the house away from construction zones, safe for both you and your family, especially if you have young kids. This will keep you away from the noise and dirt of construction and ensure there is still a peaceful and restful spot in your house. If you can’t ever relax, you’ll struggle in the rest of your daily life away from home, so make sure to follow this step.

Upgrade Your Air Conditioner

Now more than ever, clean air is a top priority. You want to get a top of the line air conditioner to keep the atmosphere in your home fresh and clean. Get a unit that is the right size for your house by reviewing your options. Make sure you get the best one that will properly circulate and cool the air in your home.

Future-Proof Your Home

If you’re doing a large-scale remodel, including moving walls or changing layouts, think about how this could improve your future finances. For example, installing better insulation to reduce energy wastage, or installing low energy light sources in new walls and ceilings. These are cosmetic things that will improve your enjoyment of the home and save you money in the long run.

So, with these tips above, you should have everything you need to begin your home remodeling plans. Decide on the scale of the project, account for all services you’ll need, and outline your budget. Take it one step at a time and build your project. Then, get to the real building!

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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