The Success Story of Amir Allahverdi

The Success Story of Amir Allahverdi #business #success #entrepreneur #bevhillsmag #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine

“No dream is too big!” …Meet Amir Allahverdi, a young and dynamic CEO of Los Angeles based investment company is a living example of this phrase. This 35-year-old owner of the Platinum Investment Group is at present one of the most talked-about personalities on social media. After successfully marking his footprint in the technological landscape, Amir Allahverdi is now supporting and sponsoring promising athletes from all over the globe. Let’s find out more about this multi-talented entrepreneur who is also a great philanthropist.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Tell us your full name and your personal history, where were you born, where you grew up, family, currently living where? A little background about yourself!

Allahverdi:  I am Amir Allahverdi! I was born in Azerbaijan on October 4 1983. I had a good job before making a move to Los Angeles, California. After completing my graduation, I joined a renowned telecom company where I was supervising many projects in Eastern Europe. At that time, I had everything that a 21-year-old guy could dream of. But my father convinced me to move the United States for a brighter future. And this was the turning point in my life. I came to America in search of success and struggled hard to establish a successful investment company from scratch.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

Allahverdi:  Being an entrepreneur means reaching a goal. An entrepreneur sets a goal and strives to achieve it. I keep setting new goals, always set the bar higher and strive for it.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  When did you start your business?

Allahverdi:  When I came to the USA, I was challenged to the fullest. I was quite confident that my prior work experience and English proficiency would fetch be a good job. But to my surprise, I faced rejection at multiple job interviews. This was the time when I had no money and everything suddenly changed for me. To make a living, I even worked at a local DVD company for just $6 an hour. I began to get back on my feet when I started working for an IT in Los Angeles. But to dejection, this company decided to open an office in Silicon Valley and wanted to transfer me there. So, I quit that job and embarked on the journey of establishing my own company. It took a lot of hard work and dedication to set up my own investment company- Platinum Investment Group.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  What is the most challenging thing about being an entrepreneur?

Allahverdi:  Entrepreneurs are dreamers and achievers! Being an entrepreneur means you have big dreams and to make those dreams come true, you have to work hard- really hard! I came to America with big dreams and high hopes. Initially, things were really difficult and I was even penniless. But being an entrepreneur means you never give up. And this perseverance is the most challenging thing about being an entrepreneur.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  The most rewarding?

Allahverdi:  As I said, I came to the USA with dreams. One of the dreams was working in Los Angeles. I established my own company which deals in Information Technology and the latest technological inventions. But most rewarding is that I fulfilled my dream of bringing my family to Los Angeles.

The Success Story of Amir Allahverdi #business #success #entrepreneur #bevhillsmag #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine

Beverly Hills Magazine:  What is your business mission?

Allahverdi:  We strive to invest in the best and latest inventions that can benefit humanity. Our goal is to come up with the out of the box ideas. We keep abreast of the latest developments to provide the best and most user-friendly inventions. Besides this, I am also a sports enthusiast. I am actually an entrepreneur by profession and a sports person at heart. So, I also endeavor to support deserving athletes to make their career in MMA.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  What have been major obstacles/steppingstones that you overcame to achieve your success?

Allahverdi:  There were times when I was jobless. I faced rejections in all the interviews that I attended. At that time, I was clueless about why exactly I was denied the jobs. I realized that it is possibly because, in America, you need diplomas and certificates issued in the States, as well as experienced in the USA. At one such interview, an HR manager suggested me that with such an experience and impressive resume I should start everything from scratch here. Although it was heartbreaking and scary to start everything from scratch, still I did!

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Who or what have been your inspirations?

Allahverdi:  I take inspiration from people who are more successful than I am. I look up to people who have worked hard and set an example for the world. I listen to their interviews and speak to them personally. It always motivates me to see people around me who are better and more successful. Also, my real passion lies in Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing, so I train with Olympic and world champions. MMA champions believe in winning, they only step forward.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  What makes your business different from others of its kind?

Allahverdi:  At the Platinum Investment Group, we think differently. We are always on the move to keep improving our services. I keep attending events like CES Show in Las Vegas, Canton Fair in China, and Asian World Expo in Hong Kong to keep abreast with the latest developments in the technological landscape. We only invest in the best inventions that can benefit everyone.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Greatest lesson you’ve learned on your success journey?

Allahverdi:  No dream is too big! Hard work and strong determination can do wonders. I’ve learned that to reach at the top, you’ve to first conquer your fear.  One should never be afraid to start from scratch. And never be content with what you have. As long as I am alive, I’ll keep setting higher goals.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Three words that best describe you and why?

Allahverdi:  Dreamer, Passionate, And Persistent! I believe in the power of dreaming. It’s your dreams that make you work harder. I am also passionate about MMA. It’s because of my passion that today I am supporting deserving athletes to make their career in MMA. And persistent because I always set the bar higher and strive for it. Even if I stumble or fall, I never give up. It’s because of my strong willpower that I always stand up again and move on.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  How do you balance your professional and personal life?

Allahverdi:  I believe in striking a perfect balance between my professional and personal life. Despite having a hectic business schedule, I make sure to spend quality time with my family. Since I am a sports enthusiast, I am regularly spotted at UFC and boxing events also. I manage to do everything I like because I put trust in my delegates. If you try to do everything on your own, you won’t be able to maintain a perfect work-life balance.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How has God played a hand in your life, or let you know that He is always with you?

Allahverdi:  There were times when asked the Almighty: “Why me? Why am I facing all these difficulties?” But today when I look back, I understand that everything turned out to be only the best for me. Everything happened for a reason for which I am very grateful to Him.

Beverly Hills Magazine: If you had to give a piece of advice to aspiring entrepreneurs out there, what would it be?

Allahverdi:  For all those who want to achieve success, make sure you have a clear vision. You will face numerous hurdles on your way but keep believing in yourself. Remember, even if one door closes, another opens. It’s okay to make mistakes but make sure you learn for every mistake because that will take you closer to success.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  What is “success” to you? Define success.

Allahverdi:  For me, success is when you love what you do. If you’re happy and contented with your work, you’re successful. At the end of the day, you should have peace of mind and self-satisfaction. Also, every success is incomplete if you’re not sharing it with others.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Have you discovered a personal purpose in what you do?

Allahverdi:  Since my childhood, I had a passion for sports. But I couldn’t practice sports professionally because my father wished a successful career for me, not in sports. Although I moved to the US for a bright future but deep within, I am still a sportsperson. My real passion lies in boxing and mixed martial arts. Now I am realizing this unfulfilled dream by supporting aspiring athletes to make their career in MMA.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Where can I readers go to find more information about you and/or your company?

Allahverdi:  They can visit my website. Also, I am active on multiple social media platforms- – Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Do you believe you are living your God-ordained Destiny and doing what God created you to do?

Allahverdi:  Yes, I do. I firmly believe that no matter how long it takes, you will always end up where you are supposed to be.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  If God granted you one wish that would come true, what would you wish for?

Allahverdi:  I would wish that all mothers in the world would live long, healthy and happy lives!

The Success Story of Amir Allahverdi #business #success #entrepreneur #bevhillsmag #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine

To connect with Allahverdi, check out his social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

The Success Story of Amir Allahverdi #business #success #entrepreneur #bevhillsmag #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine

Hannah Jaehnig is a professional freelance creative writer. She has been writing professionally since 2014 and writing for entertainment for much longer! She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing with a minor in History. She hopes to one day publish a fiction book. In the meantime, she’ll write about fashion!
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