The Secrets To Lasting Health and Beauty

Secrets To Lasting Health and Beauty
Secrets To Lasting Health and Beauty

Some say beauty is only skin deep, but as we begin to age, we notice changes in our skin, and our self perception of our own beauty begins to fade. There are simple and easy ways to take care of our beautiful skin and keep it looking younger, rejuvenated and fresh. With these simple tips and products you can maintain your health and beauty for years to come.

Drinking water is one of the most important steps you can take to keep youthful looking skin. Your body is made up of over 70% percent water, to staying hydrated keeps our skin moisturized and healthy. Imagine drinking lots of water a day…Drink more than that.  Keep your favorite water bottle nearby and full at all times. You’ll see how easy drinking lots of water can be.  The next key to beautiful skin is sunblock and sunscreen. There is a difference, you know.

Sunblock act as blockers of sun energy and heat. These are most effective in keeping skin protected. Look for these key ingredients in your sunblocks; Zn Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, and Ferrous Oxide. Sunscreens actually absorb the sun’s energy and turn it into heat. Sunscreens are less effective and actually still cause damage to your skin cells. Always look for a sunblock with the 3 key ingredients to ensure that your skin if avoiding UVB and UVA rays when exposed to the sun.

Exercise is the second most important thing you can do to make sure you stay as healthy and beautiful looking as possible. Incorporating weight training into your work out routine will keep your bones strong and healthy too. Believe it or not, but some older women already showing signs of osteoporosis can start weight training and will begin to see improvement in bone structure and strength. It’s amazing how it works! Cardiovascular exercise is an absolute must. This is any work out that gets your heart pumping. Try running, outdoors or on a treadmill indoors, spin classes or cycle, high-intensity aerobics, and even dance classes. Get this chic sports top for your cardio workouts. You’ll love it!

Exercise is a great stress reliever. Stress is a major cause of pre-mature aging. Enjoying relaxing and calming activities will help keep your stress levels low. Book yourself for a private massage as well. Ideally, you’d like to get massages as often as possible, to keep up with your work out routines. They release the tension from your muscles and rid your body of toxins too. And of course, they relax your mind, body, and soul. As always, be sure to drink lots of water, before and after.

There are also procedures available like Botox and Juvederm fillers…among many more. We recommend staying away from harmful chemicals, but if you’re seeking more dramatic changes in your appearance, then book an appointment with your local dermatologist for a professional consultation to find out what products and beauty supplies will work best for you. What will you choose to keep as your own beauty secret?

This new secret rejuvenates your skin from the cellular level. No matter your age, in a few short weeks you can…

Remember, beauty comes from within…So believe in the beauty of yourself and know that no matter how old you get, you’re still the most beautiful thing in the world… You’re a beautiful woman.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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