Summer 2021 – Here We Come!

Summer 2021 - Here We Come! #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #summer2021 #travel #finedining #beautytreatments #summervacation
Summer 2021 - Here We Come! #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #summer2021 #travel #finedining #beautytreatments #summervacation

With 2020 being a write-off, it makes sense that we are looking to the potential joys and pleasures of 2021. While you may have missed your summer vacation this year, you don’t want to miss out on scratching your wanderlust itch next year. Hopefully, 2021 will see the emergence of a coronavirus vaccine. At the very least, you would like to think that the world has learned to live with this new virus that is prevalent in the world. Summer 2021 is a beacon of hope for all of those people going through national lockdowns. Take a look at how you can prepare for summer 2021 today! (Image Credit: Anna Shvets/Pexels)

Beauty Treatments

If you have managed to save some more money because you haven’t taken a trip to a far-flung shore or embarked on any five-star travel plans this year, you might be keen to spend some cash on yourself. To get ready for next summer, why not consider some permanent hair removal treatments? This way, you will no longer have to worry about the potential embarrassment of those rogue bikini line hairs as you venture to the white sandy beach of a Caribbean island. Treatments are accessible and provide exceptional and permanent results. You don’t have to concern yourself about razor bumps or waxing pain ever again.


If you are keen to embark on some luxury travel next year, get planning now. You might fancy heading out on a cruise of the Indian Ocean islands or maybe you want to hotfoot it on a luxury rail tour of the Far East. Whatever luxury travel option is for you, get researching. You want to make sure that the vacation you choose for 2021 is Covid-secure. You may want to investigate self-travel. While backpacking isn’t as luxurious as other five-star travel options,  you don’t have to succumb to hostels and bedsits. Slumming it doesn’t have to be the option you take. Instead, look into reserving five-star rooms on a hotel booking website that allows free cancellations and enjoy planning out your five-star travel routes on your multi-stop tour.

Fine Dining

The hospitality industry has been decimated this year. As 2021 emerges, you might want to hotfoot it to your local eatery to support your community restaurants. If you enjoy a spot of fine dining now and then, think about how you can eat out to help out in 2021 to ensure that your fine local dining establishments can survive and thrive beyond this global pandemic. Think about drawing up a list of restaurants that you want to sample the delights of next year. If you adore seafood, head to the coast for some of the freshest crab and lobster. If you love nothing more than trying tasting menus, check out the Michelin guide and book early for summer 2021 and reserve your table at the two-star eateries. When enjoying get-togethers and soiree celebrations, eat out and enjoy a gathering with family and friends. 

Summer 2021 is a beacon of hope for many. Think about planning for your summer revival next year to give yourself something to look forward to during these more turbulent months.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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