Stay at Home Jobs for Retirees Who Aren’t Ready to Retire

Stay at Home Jobs for Retirees Who Aren’t Ready to Retire #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #homejobsforretiress #retirees #onlinecalculator #retirement
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With some people retiring as early as 55 years old these days, healthy middle-aged retirees aren’t exactly prepared to become couch potatoes. Not when they have upwards of thirty or more years of life ahead of them.

Therefore, many persons who have officially retired from their career job have elected to start new careers, with one caveat: they wish to work at home. From blogging to influencing to painting portraits, today’s retirees are not only making nice cash from their new gigs, they are discovering the satisfaction of being their own bosses.

They are also adding to their retirement. With the rising costs of living, it’s important to be bringing in more cash than you saved for retirement during your normal working years. With this in mind, 2022 was a banner year for retired persons aged 62 and older who applied for reverse mortgage loans.

What’s a reverse mortgage? If you’ve been paying religiously on your home loan for decades, you can tap into all the equity you’ve built up. It can run in the hundreds of thousands. You can take your proceeds in one lump sum payment or equal monthly disbursements. Plus, you never need pay the loan back until you leave the house, or you die.

You can find out how much of a reverse mortgage loan you qualify for by using this online calculator:

Between a reserve mortgage and your new gig, you should have plenty of ready cash to survive retirement quite nicely. According to a recent report by the retirement experts at AARP, if you’re thinking about working after retirement, you’re in good company. More than 50 percent of U.S. retirees plan to work well into their golden years. Some will work part-time and others full-time. Many of these retirement workers want to work from home, or so stated the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies.

With this in mind, what are some of the most popular stay at home jobs for retirees who are ready to retire?


Easily workable from home, bookkeepers maintain a company’s financial data. This includes invoicing customers plus paying material suppliers and subcontractors. In an office setting you might become a the full-charge bookkeeper who would take on all accounting responsibilities, plus management of lower-level accounting clerks and bookkeepers.

But once you retire, it’s probably better that you take care of a smaller company’s books via your laptop from your kitchen table down in sunny Florida.

Registered Telehealth Nurse

Telehealth services became all the rage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retired nurses can still maintain their registered nurse status and in doing so, run a telehealth service from their home. They can provide both care and expertise right from their laptop. If a doctor needs to get involved, the registered nurse will offer suggestions on who to see and when.

Virtual Assistant

AARP states that you do not need to physically be inside an office to make sure things run smoothly and efficiently. This is where virtual assistants or VAs come in. They provide business management support right from their own home office.

VA’s duties vary from job to job, but they can involve everything from updating websites, emailing clients, providing social media posts, influencing, event planning, or even proof-reading documents.

You can find a healthy list of highly ranked and recommended VAs on Upwork and Freework. It won’t surprise you to find that many of these VAs are 55 and older.

Work at Home Paralegals

Working alongside legal assistants, paralegals provide help for lawyers with everyday jobs that can be done from home, including legal research, maintaining and organizing electronic files and cloud documents, and also writing reports regarding specific cases. Paralegals can work from anywhere, including a terrace that overlooks the ocean in the Bahamas or from the bar inside a ski lodge in Aspen.

Keep in mind, you need experience with a specific geographical location and a particular field of law such as personal injury. But a good paralegal, especially one who has worked with the law for decades, is worth his weight in gold.

Freelance Writer

There has never been a better time to be an author. Whether you write fiction or nonfiction or both, there are many platforms where you can publish your work without having to beg on bended knee in front of a New York City publisher.

If you have a gift for words, you can be a freelance writer for private businesses, social media influencers, online and independent news outlets, and more. If you have a flair for writing mysteries or even romance, you can write as many books and stories as your fingers can type and publish them on platforms like KDP and Draft2Digital. You can even write serial fiction for Kindle Vella or Wattpad. And it can all happen from anywhere in the world, including a table at a cafe in Rome or Paris.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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