Starting A Business in The Digital Age

Starting A Business in The Digital Age
Starting A Business in The Digital Age

We’re truly in the digital age now and for businesses that means a lot. It means more ways to generate leads and promote yourself. It means more ways to communicate.

Above all, it means there are new ways to work.  In today’s world any entrepreneur can start a business and have all the digital tools they need to ensure success.

The title of this article is why you should move on from physical computing, but you might misunderstand that. We aren’t in the world of Star Trek yet, and you’re still going to need a mouse, computer and keyboard to complete your work, but as above – there are more ways to work than ever before and these methods are increasingly cloud based.

Cloud based? Well, the cloud refers to the network of data above our heads. It can mean wi-fi and remote storage. It’s a wide bracket of terms and it’s best described as the cloud, because in essence, that’s exactly what it is.

Physical computing in terms of this article refers to being locked down at a specific workplace. If you’re in the start-up game, you’re going to want to move away from that ideal as quick as possible. Globalism is the key to the future, and ideally, you want to be able to work from anywhere in the world, as that’s where your customers may be! If your business has a locked-down headquarters, there are still cloud computing solutions that you can utilize to ensure you can connect with your roaming employees and customers from a central location.

Moving away from the physical world of computing is easy to start off with. Replace your desktop with a solid laptop option, or even a tablet. If you’re in graphic design, a tablet might be a better option for you as it functions as an excellent drawing surface. Once you’ve moved away from the chains of the desk, you need to look at ways to complete your work.

Google Drive is an incredible way to start out. It allows you to remotely back up work and files as well as collaborate on these documents with your employees or clients simultaneously. If your workplace or business is global, collaboration and ease of access are key. With Google Drive, you can work from anywhere in the world and amends are much easier than back and forth email chains with attachments! What’s more, it’s a simple storage option, so you and your employees don’t need to lug physical media around anymore.

Moving on from physical computing is more about simplifying processes more than abandoning them. Why use several hard drives when you can use one cloud computing solution? Why limit yourself to a desktop when there are options that will allow you to work from any computer, anywhere? The world of physical computing offers us fewer options while more are opening up than ever before. It’s time to start asking questions of our business computing to see if we can improve. You should always be open to process improvement and moving to the cloud. Moving beyond might be the best decision you make for your business!


Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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