Rising Christian Music Star: Coby James

Rising Christian Music Star: Coby James
Rising Christian Music Star: Coby James #music #paradise #songs #christian #musicstars #celebrities #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #BevHillsMag

Meet Coby James, the Christian music artist who is bringing divinely inspired sounds and songs to the world of music. A Nashville newcomer and North Carolina native, Coby James, has signed on with the veteran music management company Deep South Entertainment. James recently released his debut single, “Paradise”, which has already seen impressive numbers on all streaming platforms, and will be releasing his debut EP on September 27 entitled “Space for Theory.” Let get to know this rising music star and find out how he found his way onto the path of living the blessed life.

Beverly Hills Magazine: When did you decide you wanted to pursue music as a career?

Coby James: I wrote my first song when I was written 7 years old and that was how I expressed myself. I’ve always been emotional and growing up I felt like I had a battle inside that I couldn’t control. I went through health issues but the LORD rooted me when I was in those dark places. At 14 years old I started writing music again, love songs, figuring out the process. Then one day my Dad was talking to me and said, “They don’t have Christian music like what you’re making” and I realized he was right, so I started seriously putting my experiences into lyrically sound and compelling music.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What is your signature as a musical artist?

Coby James: Making songs that are relatable to my generation and sonically sound. I’m a storyteller and my experiences give me a lot to talk about with compelling stories and melodies.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s awesome! Music is God’s way of talking to us, and when someone is in a dark place the right song can be the rope of hope they need to find their way back to the light. What is your vision for your career? Where do you hope to go with it?

Coby James: I don’t know…Everything is happening so fast. Only 8 months ago, I was still making music in my bedroom. I don’t have a plan, God has opened all these doors, and it’s been a whirlwind of excitement. It’s weird when your dreams become your day to day reality. Whatever happens is in God’s hands and I’m excited to see what He has in store.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Dreams do come true! We are in the Kingdom Age and we just entered a season of acceleration where God is moving His children into position really quickly to fulfill their part in His Kingdom purposes. Obviously the devil has been working overtime, but God’s kids are too. We have come to earth for such a time as this. What does your music represent or what is your message?

Coby James: I want others to know that I’m just an ordinary kid. There’s nothing special about me. Anybody can do this. God’s letting me do this, and God’s using me and I’m so grateful for that faith. I want to inspire hope for the next generation.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What makes an artist successful?

Coby James: Dedication and hard work. Some people work hard, and then once they reach a goal and gain some notoriety then they get a “I’m too good mindset.” I don’t care who you are, you have to evolve and be willing to listen and learn. Stubbornness or always thinking your way is the only way is one of the biggest causes of failure.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How has God let you know that He is with you, like God winks?

Coby James: About 9 months ago I was really discouraged and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t feel like anything was opening up for me. I got on my knees and prayed and the next day I had a small gig in a dive bar, and met my now manager. He sent my music to all the record labels and now here I am. I’m like, “You’re kidding me?!”

Rising Christian Music Star: Coby James #music #paradise #songs #christian #musicstars #celebrities #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #BevHillsMag

Beverly Hills Magazine: I know! Prayer is powerful! It opens the portals of Heaven and God sends angels to fight on our behalf to bring our blessings, and answers to our prayers. No matter how successful you become, you must always keep God first and keep a dedicated prayer life. It’s our direct connection to God’s Throne. Do you have a life motto, quote or Bible scripture you live by?

Coby James:  “For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ.” ~ Galatians 1:10 CSB

Beverly Hills Magazine: I love that one… What advice would you give to aspiring singers?

Coby James: Keep working and know that you’re never truly done. You’re never going to reach a point where you’re the best. Work like you’ve never worked before. When others are working hard, work harder.  It’s extremely important. If you believe you can do it and you feel like you’re called, then go for it.

Beverly Hills Magazine: You have to be called. Many people pursue things just for money, or even relationships, but when you follow the God call on your heart, that’s connected to your soul purpose and divine destiny. God meets you in that place when you follow His inner promptings in your spirit to follow your dreams. It’s a faith walk.

Rising Christian Music Star: Coby James #music #paradise #songs #christian #musicstars #celebrities #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #BevHillsMag

Beverly Hills Magazine: Have you discovered a personal purpose in what you do?

Coby James: The LORD is what gives me purpose. Without that…I’ll wander without Him. Then I question why and what I’m doing…When I’m spiritually grounded I know my purpose is just to serve Jesus. Living like Apostle Paul….for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Spoken like a true child of God. Gifted from Heaven above we are certain the Lord Jesus has Coby on the path that was predestined for him before the foundation of the world. For God has good plans for each of us, and when we walk with the LORD, He causes all things to work together for our good. He is faithful and true. Coby James is living proof that God is good, and He will help you make all your dreams come true. When you’re down to nothing, just pray. Jesus is the Way.

Rising Christian Music Star: Coby James #music #paradise #songs #christian #musicstars #celebrities #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #BevHillsMag

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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