Motorcycle Safety Gear Riders Need To Know

Motorcycle Safety Gear Riders Need To Know #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #insurancepolicy #medicalexpenses #motorcycleaccident #safetygears #bevhillsmag

Motorcycles are so popular because they are affordable and fun to own. No matter how you use your motorcycle, the most crucial thing is your safety. There are various dynamics to motorcycle riding safety, and if you know all of them, you can be safer.

Firstly, your safety gear is your first line of defense. Motorcyclists are far more likely to be hurt or killed than motorists in case of an accident. The quality of riding gear will play a huge role in determining how safe you will be. You can find this information and much more on a Harley-Davidson blog.

How To Pick the Right Safety Gear

How much safety gear do you need? That depends on your state motorcycle laws and how much protection you want to have. Below are the basic categories of motorcycle safety gear you should consider if you want full-body coverage.


Only purchase a helmet with a sticker proving that it exceeds the minimum Department of Transportation safety standards. Try the helmet on to make sure that it fits your head right – not too tight or loose.


Never choose a jacket for its appearance; go for one that offers the best safety features. If it has armor protecting the arms, ribs and shoulders, that’s the best option. Check the jacket’s CE safety rating to confirm the level of protection it offers before purchasing.


It’s best to have the jacket you want on as you try on gloves. The best gloves are those that fit well with your jacket to offer the best protection. There should be no gap between your jacket sleeves and your gloves.


A good pair of pants has armor on the shins, knees and hips. Make sure you check the fit of the pants and their CE safety rating. Confirm how comfortable they are when sitting on the bike by squatting to a riding position.


While motorcycle boots might be worn as a fashion statement, make sure you get genuine riding boots. They should be fit comfortably and appear well made. Motorcycle boots will protect you from heat emanating from your engine and exhaust. They also absorb shock and offer more protection than your average footwear.

Motorcycle Insurance

You might wear all the safety gear all the time you ride your motorcycle and ride as carefully as you can but still find yourself a victim of an accident. This is why it’s essential to have motorcycle insurance that will compensate you if you are involved in an accident.

The insurance compensation you are entitled to depends on the injury you have sustained and the damage to the motorbike. Read more to understand how compensation is calculated in case you are involved in a motorcycle accident.

Which Insurance Covers Do You Need?

The most common types of insurance policies targeted at keeping motorcycle riders safe are:

  • Minimum liability coverage
  • Collision insurance
  • Comprehensive insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Disability insurance

Minimum liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance keep you safe from financial ruin in the event of an accident. Minimum liability and comprehensive insurance would compensate any person injured during the accident if you caused it. It will also help you repair or purchase a new bike depending on the extent of damage incurred. Depending on the insurer, some comprehensive policies will compensate you for the injuries you incurred.

On the other hand, collision insurance is meant to primarily cover the cost of vehicle damage for both parties if you caused the accident. It will also cover any property damage resulting from the collision but no personal injury.

Why Are Healthcare and Disability Insurance a Must-Have?

Many motorcycle accidents end up with the rider being hospitalized for a long time, and in some cases, they end up disabled. In both of these scenarios, neither minimum liability, collision or comprehensive insurance are enough. This is why motorcycle riders are increasingly taking healthcare and disability insurance.

Healthcare insurance will take care of your medical expenses in case you are engaged in an accident. On the other hand, disability insurance will compensate you if the accident results in a disability. The actual amount you receive as compensation for each policy will vary depending on the insurance policy that you signed up for and the extent of the injuries or disability.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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