Marketing a Coworking Space: 5 Leading Industry Practices

Marketing a Coworking Space: 5 Leading Industry Practices #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #coworkingspace #improvingyourbusiness #freelancebloggers #onlinereputation #coworkingsoftware #targetaudience #advertisingsolutions

Handling marketing in the 21st century is a moving target that has to be adjusted depending on the business and society trends. The coworking space is one of many industries where a typical advertising solution isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer.

Instead, operators of coworking space products need to look to the leading industry practices, then tweak them for their individual styles.

Here are 5 of the ways the experts in the business are paving the way. Your company can use their success stories instead of reinventing the wheel.

1. Hire a Social Media Marketer (or Become an Expert Yourself)

You’ve seen the back and forth arguments over social media. Some experts swear it’s a waste of time for the little conversation rates you end up with. This may be true for a lot of industries, but not yours.

Social media is the way your events are shared, publicized, and rated. They’re the main word-of-mouth advertising for big coworking meetings. So, you must learn how to capitalize on this marketing source and stay on top of the trends.

Depending on your venue’s target audiences, you’ll likely need to use Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. Post daily content, but spice it up with different things that are going on in the industry, not just your advertising. Use hashtags and keywords that are trending or create your own.

No, you don’t have to get into the social media abyss every day and let it stop your productive flow. Use scheduling tools to set your content and then forget it for the next week or two.

2. Upgrade Your Software Solution

If your current coworking space software isn’t making every part of your job easier, it’s time to upgrade.

Hands down, the best coworking software should include at least these features:

  • A versatile booking system to handle multiple sized meeting rooms and events
  • Contactless management for visitors and operators
  • Automated and customizable billing systems
  • Cloud web portals and mobile apps
  • Member, contract, and event management capabilities

Your software should attract potential members’ attention from its appearance, then keep them there because of its relevance and features. If it’s not improving your business in all areas, you have the wrong program.

3. Ask for Reviews

You can say anything you want about your business, and even if it’s all true, non-members won’t believe it. But if a complete stranger posts a glowing review about your company on Google, Yelp, or your site, you immediately have more credibility.

What does an expert company do to get more reviews? Ask for them, of course!

Once you’ve performed a service with your customers, send them an email and ask for a quick review. Most will ignore the request, but those who do respond make the difference.

4. Create Expert Content

Every search engine’s optimization algorithm includes content. You must show that you know what you’re doing, or the search engine isn’t going to send people your way.

To do that, you need to create original content. If you don’t have time to do this yourself, or you’re not exactly a writer, there are plenty of freelance bloggers out there that you can put on your payroll when you need a new article.

5. Actively Design Your Online Reputation

The reality is you’re going to have an online reputation, whether you mold and shape it or let it passively create itself.

What do you think the leaders in your industry do? They go out there, track down any online mention of their company, and shape it so it helps them. Negative reviews aren’t negative if the company steps in and offers to come up with a solution.

Actively design your reputation online so it meets with your goals and missions. Don’t let it shape itself!

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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