How to Stand Out in an Interview

How to Stand Out in an Interview #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #resume #submitapplication #hiringmanagers #jobhunting #interview #murphy'slaw #goodimpression #dresstoimpress
How to Stand Out in an Interview #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #resume #submitapplication #hiringmanagers #jobhunting #interview #murphy'slaw #goodimpression #dresstoimpress

We all know how difficult job hunting can be. You spend hours scouring the internet for postings. You perfect your resume, submit applications, and reach out to hiring managers. More often than not, you never hear from them again. (Image Credit: pch.vector/Freepik)

You’re ecstatic when you finally land an interview. But, you’re also nervous. Interviews are intimidating, especially when you consider that you’re up against other candidates.

It’s important to make the most of each interview you get. You’ll want to set yourself apart from the competition and show that you’ll make a good fit for the company.

Here are our best tips for standing out in your next job interview.

Arrive Early

Murphy’s Law says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. On your way to your interview, you might get stuck in traffic or get a flat tire. You might not be able to find parking. Or you might not be able to find the room.

You can beat Murphy’s Law by planning to arrive early. Lay out your outfit the night before and leave with your house with plenty of time to spare. Make sure you know where you’re going, what the parking situation will be like, etc.

By arriving earlier, you’re showing your employer that you are put-together and reliable. No one wants to hire someone rushing into the interview 15 minutes late.

Dress for Success

You have a lot on your plate for the interview, but don’t forget about what you’re going to wear.

Choose your outfit based on the company’s culture. We recommend checking out its dress code online or taking note of what its employees wear. This will make it easy for your future employer to picture you working there.

If you’re unsure of what to wear, always err on the side of professional. However, your outfit should be something memorable, so the interviewer remembers you long after the meeting.

If you want to stand out, go for a professional look that evokes another era. You’ll be remembered as the candidate that boldly rocked a heartmycloset vintage suit to the interview- it will be impossible to confuse you with other candidates!

Focus on Making Good First Impression

Your outfit will undoubtedly be part of the hiring manager’s first impression. But, so will your behavior.

Make a good first impression by greeting everyone who is interviewing you. Give them a firm handshake and maintain eye contact. Keep up a friendly, confident, and enthusiastic behavior. This will show them that you are a good person to work with.

You should also make a good impression on everyone else you come across. Be cordial with the receptionist and workers in the elevator. Their impressions of you may end getting back to the hiring manager.

Prepare for Small Talk

It’s likely that the hiring manager won’t just fire questions at you. Instead, the interview will probably be more conversational.

This is why it’s good to prepare for small talk. Ask questions about the company and why it’s a good place to work. This will help you fill the silence and show your interest.

Show How You’ll Add Value

Many interviewees make the mistake of saying what they think the interviewer wants to hear. Set yourself apart by actually showing how you’ll add value. Draw on your unique experiences and how they are applicable to this specific workplace.

Remember That They Want You

The fact that you landed an interview means you must’ve done something right. Maybe the hiring team was impressed by your resume or how you presented yourself over phone or email. The point is, they already like you!

Your interview is your chance to seal the deal. As long as you keep these tips in mind, you’re bound to land the job.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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