An engagement ring with a sparkling big diamond is what you need to surprise your fiancé on her big day. Buying a stunning diamond ring to dazzle your fiancé on her engagement day is certainly not a hard task. It only requires a little diligence and care. What you are looking for is an instant hit, a huge stunner that will wow everyone gathered around on your big day. If you are uncertain about your soon to be spouse not being overwhelmed with the ring you’ve purchased, then use the tips below to purchase the right diamond to have her swooning for a lifetime. (Image by Pixabay)
Research For The Types Available
For a diamond engagement ring, you need to have ample information about the types and designs available at premium stores. If you are going to buy a classy piece for your fiancé at a very high price, then you should grab the most modish design around. Review designs from top places like Michael Arthur as these stunning engagement rings are perfect for wowing your soon-to-be better half.
The 4 C’s for Diamond
As goes the cliché, the 4Cs of a diamond are important when it comes to purchasing a stone that is both lavish and flamboyant. Color, Cut, Clarity, and Contrast are vital aspects that you must be familiar with, so you do not end up with a ring that is a sunk cost. It will help to gain a clear understanding of these 4Cs, so you are well-positioned to grab a ring that matches your specific requirements and budget. If you want to land a classy diamond ring without breaking the bank, I suggest you step up your diamond dynamics knowledge.
Do Not Forget It is All About Her
Even if you want to purchase a perky white, gold or tea-rose diamond on a budget, do not forget that your spouse-to-be will be wearing it for a long time, probably her entire life. If you are not thinking of buying her a separate wedding ring, then this particular piece must be exceptional. To grab the most exquisite diamond, make an effort to learn about her style preferences and dig deeper into her fashion statement. What sort of hues does she prefer? What sort of patterns and aesthetics make her more comfortable. You could have an intelligent guess from her outfits and jeweler or even from her FB pics.
Don’t Worry About The Size
If you are fretting about the size of the ring then do not. Use a nice ring sizer app like Gemporia to get her exact size and hand it over to the diamond vendor for a great make. You could also request her sister or a friend to get her finger size for you. What is the point of buying an ultra-cool stone if it won’t fit her well? Most ring vendors also make use of ring prototypes that you can exchange for the right size or return later for a similar ordered piece with the correct measurements.
What’s The Diamond Setting
Do not worry too much about the type of diamond setting that would work with your fiancé. Experts suggest not to go for a predefined design because it tends to make your purchase a bit difficult as you struggle with the design aspects and perfection. Go easy on yourself and with an idea of her style preference in mind, just compare the most dazzling options to pick the most eye-catching piece for an ever-lasting impact.
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