How To Enjoy Your Life After A Divorce

How To Enjoy Your Life After A Divorce #life #divorce #marriage #happiness #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #BevHillsMag
How To Enjoy Your Life After A Divorce #life #divorce #marriage #happiness #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #BevHillsMag

When people hear the word divorce, they associate the word with doom and gloom and sadness. Some people even say divorces are almost as sad as funerals… it is a death, in a sense… the death of a marriage. But if the marriage wasn’t a good marriage, is it really a sad occasion? Not necessarily. The divorce means that you get a new chance to start over. So if you want to do things right, it might be a good idea to consider how long it will take to change your last name back so you can start planning your bright future. (Image Credit: Stocksnap/Pixabay)

Your answer to that question is solely up to you but now that you know a divorce is in your near future, you’re going to need to prepare yourself for it. You’re definitely going to need to look for legal help (preferably with options for a free consultation), you may (or may not) need to grieve, and you should allow your friends and family to give you emotional support to help you get through it.

How To Enjoy Your Life After A Divorce #life #happiness #divorce #marriage #spirituality #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine
(Image Credit: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay)

A Positive Interpretation of Divorce

Earlier, we talked about how people typically associate divorce with any aspect of sadness but not everyone has that outlook on it. If you were “miserably married,” wouldn’t leaving that situation be a breath of fresh air? Especially if you’ve done everything you could to make your marriage work. Some people even have “divorce parties” to celebrate a fresh new start.

Although divorces can get pretty ugly and nasty, they are indeed a way for you to start fresh with a clean slate… they’re not necessarily the “ideal” way to “start fresh” but it is definitely a great time for you to do so. We’re going to deflect away from the negative aspects of divorce and put more focus on the positive aspects of it.

Your Health Will Improve Drastically

Strenuous relationships can take a heavy toll on your physical and mental health whether you realize it or not. It can be very stressful and your body can only handle so much stress before it starts to wreak havoc on your body. Stress has led to serious health complications such as early aging, heart disease, and even death.

The stress you were experiencing in your marriage could have been one of the issues in your marriage without even realizing it. If a lack of intimacy was one of your marital problems, WebMD states that stress can actually cause reductions in sex drives for both men and women. Although intimacy is not the foundation of a marriage, it certainly increases the closeness and connection between both spouses. When that aspect leaves the marriage, it can be a huge sign of marital decline.

With this divorce, you should be able to see improvements in your overall health and an increase in your sexual desires as well. Wait for Mr. Right though.

How To Enjoy Your Life After A Divorce #life #happiness #divorce #marriage #spirituality #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine
(Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay)

You’ll Get Your Confidence Back

When you’re in a bad marriage, you start to feel bad about yourself and sometimes even have feelings of guilt and inadequacy. Those feelings can be very emotionally damaging. Once you’re able to step away from that negative influence, you will soon start to see all the wonderful things about yourself that you forgot about while you were married.

Your confidence will also get a huge boost by the strength you’ve acquired to leave your terrible situation. That boost in confidence is actually what would be called empowerment. At the end of the day, divorce can be hard to deal with but in most situations, it’s very necessary. You shouldn’t have to settle for less when you can be happy.

New Opportunity to Meet New People

Divorce not only comes with new-found freedom… it also comes with a change in relationship status! Guess what your relationship status will change to… SINGLE!! The thought of being single again and getting back on the dating scene is a terrifying thought for some but for others, they can’t wait until their divorce is final.

You don’t have to immediately jump back on the dating scene but you will definitely be meeting new people in your “singledom” and even people you’ve already known but would never make any moves because they knew you were married. It’s an adventure waiting to happen… have fun with it!

You’ll Learn More About Yourself

If you’ve always wanted to take the time to get to know yourself better but never had the time to do so while you were married, your divorce is the perfect occasion to do just that! When people get married, they tend to get so caught up in becoming “Mr. and Mrs.” that they forget that they’re also individual people too. Going through your divorce will put you directly on the path to self-rediscovery.

How To Enjoy Your Life After A Divorce #life #happiness #divorce #marriage #spirituality #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine

You Will Love Again

The fact of the matter is sometimes people just truly  marry the wrong person. Maybe you ignored the red flags before, but now you’ll be wiser, stronger, and more cautious. Jesus tells us that if you delight yourself in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. So we encourage you to use your new-found freedom to dedicate yourself to healing, personal growth, and securing your relationship with God.  Then trust Him to bring you the perfect life partner that He created just for you. After all, He created you. He knows exactly what you need. Cheers, to a better life after divorce!

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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