How to Bring Your Luxury Brand into the 21st Century

How to Bring Your Luxury Brand into the 21st Century #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #luxurybrand #modernizeyourbrand #takeyourbrandonline #developyourbrand
Image Used With Permission By Christina Morillo on Pexels

When you develop your luxury brand, it must adapt to your audience and their expectations. But this can be a challenge to develop and keep up. However, you can all but remove the element of risk, including becoming irrelevant, if you learn how to stay current and modern in business. Of course, this can mean big changes for your brand as a whole. And this means a lot of planning, time, and money might have to go into it. So, here are some tips to get you started.

Modernize and Go Digital

Your website is pretty much almost always the first point of contact between you and your customers. That’s just how it is these days. And this is typically done by users searching in engines such as Google, as 96% of modern users do. But if your website isn’t up to scratch by meeting modern web user expectations, your ranking will suffer. To improve this, you must bring your products and services to life ( via the experience.

Boost Your Luxury Brand with Social Media

Further to your website, you cannot ignore the importance of social media these days. If you don’t use social media, you will lose out to competitors, and that’s a plain fact. Additionally, you increase the potential for demonstrating your services and products on a platform with an almost unlimited reach that potentially costs you nothing. You would be missing a golden opportunity by ignoring social media and not working towards increasing your overall presence,

Give Users what they Expect

Modern users expect a lot of things. And you need to meet their expectations. When it comes to your brand, this means stating your personal mission, meeting modern societal demands, and even making website changes to improve the customer experience. Examples of these are changing your work culture for equality, reducing your carbon footprint, and including improved accessibility features on your navigation menus. These can be hard to do, but they are worth it.

Boost the Quality of Your Website

If you are serious about making changes to modernize your brand, your website is a good starting point. But if it has been neglected for a while, there are many quality-of-life changes:

  • Improve your website navigation by using mega menus rather than individual ones.
  • Make sure your pages have a click depth of no more than three interactions.
  • Switch to a hosting service that offers at least SSL certificates for improved security.
  • Use tools like Google Page Speed Insights to make site-wide improvements.
  • Make your products, images, and categories easy to find with SEO best practices.

Usability, speed, and relevance are the key factors a modern search engine like Google uses to rank your website. So making changes across your site to meet these demands will boost it.

Develop an App for Your Products

Apps are common these days. The main reason is that most users now access information using their smartphones. Additionally, you increase the overall accessibility of your services and products by offering an app. And if you are apprehensive or think it is hard, then you don’t need to be. Services like App Pie offer “no-code” app development, much like using a modern website builder such as Wix or WordPress. App-engaged users spend, on average, 60% more.

Stay True to Your Luxury Brand

With so many changes and trying to meet consumer demands, you can lose sight of your brand’s original vision. This happens often in the business world and can be positive or negative. But any changes you make, especially ones that reflect upon societal attitudes, should behandle in such a way as to not collide with your brand’s values. Try to keep your brand’s authenticity, communicate all changes to any employees, and try to stay consistent and honest.

Keep Up with Industry Changes

Almost all industries change. Some change more than others. And some stay traditional. But luxury brands, in particular, must find a delicate balance between authenticity and modern expectations. Of course, you must keep up your brand’s values. But you also risk alienating your audience if you don’t change with the times. You can help by keeping yourself informed, monitoring other brands via social media, and attending events based on your niche.


Your luxury brand can’t compete in its niche without staying modern. This can be hard at first. But once done, you need to keep it up. You can do this by taking your brand online with a site and social media. You can also make an app for better engagement and try to stay niche-aware.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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