How Digital Technology Aids in Business

How Digital Technology Aids in Business
How Digital Technology Aids in Business

Millennials – people aged between 18 and 34 – spend over 14 hours every week texting, talking and browsing social media platforms from their smartphone. In truth, Millennials spend so much time on their smartphone that they account for 41% of the total time Americans spend on the device. And they represent less than a third of the total  US population. Everybody has seen images of people glued to the screen of their phones. As a result, one could think that digital technology is destroying communication. In reality, communication is not dead. It has evolved. Similarly, in the business world, digital technology is also revolutionizing how people interact with each other. Indeed, digital tools have transformed business processes. But it is not the end of human interactions at the workplace. It is the beginning of a new form of communication if you use it properly. Here is how digital bring people closer to the heart of the business, and in turn effectively impact your level of success in the marketplace.

Digital Intelligence To Improve Users Interactions

Digital intelligence is a concept that appeared in 2015. It focuses on measuring the business gaps related to the broken relationship between people and technology. Indeed, as businesses rely increasingly on digital technology to survive, digital intelligence ensures that people are still the focus on the business strategy. For example, digital intelligence highlights the rise of overtime for employees. Experts consider that if a company made the best use of human and technological capital, then employees wouldn’t need to work overtime. As a result, digital intelligence looks at ways to ease employees’ life.  

Automation To Save Time For People

Among the ways chosen to facilitate employees’ work/life balance, businesses turn to the automation of administrative tasks. Indeed, tasks such as payroll management can become the responsibility of a software solution, such as As a result, qualified staff saves precious time. This reduces overtime. More importantly, this enables individuals to respond to personal crisis and issues in a record time. Indeed, if the HR team has more time on hand, they can improve the internal business processes. In short, automating repetitive and simple tasks leaves room for constant team and strategy improvements. Automation also increases productivity and job satisfaction. It’s no wonder why: People are always more satisfied when they feel that they can make a difference in their job. So leave the menial to digital technology and let people engage emotionally and creatively.

Social Media To Talk To Real Customers

There is another advantage to digital technology: Customers are only a click away from talking to a business. According to, social media has changed the way people communicate. It is true that now a hashtag is the expression of a feeling that people share universally, such as #JeSuisCharlie. But more importantly, social media lets customers interact directly with a business. For the first time, anybody can tell their favorite business what they think. Hashtags, such as #McDonaldsSucks or #ILoveHandM (this one attracts H&M brand and handmade tweets), express every day and in plain sight what how customers feel about a brand. Never communication has been so straightforward. Thank you digital technology!

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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