Hollywood Celebrities Who Love to Garden

Hollywood Celebrities Who Love to Garden
Hollywood Celebrities Who Love to Garden

Most of us think of celebrities as being those highly pampered individuals who simply step out of the limelight to be waited on hand and foot. Actually, you would be surprised at the huge number of Hollywood celebs who live what would be widely accepted as a ‘normal’ life. Do you know how many celebrities even like to get out in their very own garden to plant, water, feed and pick their own flowers and veggies? There are quite a few of them out there and here are just 3 to give you an example of how down to earth these celebrities are – pardon the pun.

1. Oprah Winfrey

Said to be worth at least $3 billion USD, Oprah Winfrey can afford to hire a gardener to do the dirty work for her. However, on her down time, Oprah likes to get out in her garden as a form of relaxation. She loves organic gardening and may even be seen planting and pruning as time permits. You might even see her feeding her plants with organic nutrients or spraying for mites with organic compounds if you were able to actually get a look at Oprah in her garden.

As a side note, organic gardening doesn’t mean you can’t feed your plants with nutrients or natural pesticides, it just means you need to steer clear of chemicals. Gardeners are seen spraying such things as pyrethrum with a backpack sprayer like those reviewed on My Gardening Network. As an organic compound derived from the chrysanthemum genus of plants, this is a natural pest repellant that many organic gardeners use in lieu of dangerous chemical products.

Hollywood Celebrities Who Love to Garden

2. Reese Witherspoon

This legally blonde Hollywood celeb is anything but stereotypically blonde. Reese is also a green activist and takes her passion to her garden. Until she sold her ranch in California, Reese had her own garden in which she personally grew tomatoes, cucumbers and she even had some chickens she was raising – no antibiotic fed chicks there!

3. Julia Roberts

Not only is Julia Roberts one of the most iconic actresses of our time, she is also a passionate advocate for green living. Her children are being raised in a totally green lifestyle and are even being educated to work towards a sustainable future. Did you know that Julia also composts scraps from her own kitchen? It’s hard to imagine Julia Roberts cooking let alone gardening and composting, but she really does both! Some of Julia’s gardening tips can be found in a Good Housekeeping article dated way back in 2008. Hers is a true passion for life.

Hollywood Celebrities Who Love to Garden4. Prince Charles

As one of the most vocal spokesmen for green living and organic gardening, Prince Charles has his own garden which he tends when he’s not on about Royal business. If ever there was a better known organic gardener in the world, it would be news to make the headlines, for sure!

5. Ringo Starr

It’s been so very long since Richard Starkey has been known by his birth name that you wouldn’t know him by any other name than Ringo of Beatle fame. Ringo is also a passionate organic gardener and can often be found working the soil when not working in the limelight. Sunlight seems to be more to his liking these days, so if you think that one of the most famous musicians of all time wouldn’t love the solitude of the great outdoors, think again.

6. Savannah Miller

Our final Brit of honorable gardening mention is the famed London fashion designer, Savannah Miller. Not only has Savannah created a fashionable line of women’s attire, The Nine, but her Gloucestershire garden could make (and probably has!) the House and Garden UK magazine. Not only is her garden green, but it is a child-friendly place for her own children to romp and marvel at the wonders of nature.

So, there you have 3 Hollywood celebs who are passionate about gardening with a few famous Brits thrown in for good measure. Does it inspire you to garden? If so, spring is almost here, so look, listen and learn. To have trees removed from your garden, visit https://www.thelocaltreeexperts.com/ca/vallejo/

Happy gardening!

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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