Great Travel Packing Tips

Great Travel Packing Tips
Great Travel Packing Tips

Let’s face it: packing for a trip is no easy feat when you’re a total fashionista or a modern man with style. Whether you’re traveling for the whole week or just a weekend getaway, you’ve got to be prepared for every occasion, even if that means carrying enough luggage to exasperate your family and friends.

If this sounds like you, don’t despair! We’ve got five packing tips that’ll help you consolidate your luggage without having to choose between your makeup items, Manolo Blahniks and your Yeezy boots.

Great Travel Packing Tips

  1. Pack smart with functional luggage

It might sound obvious, but arming yourself with functional luggage is undoubtedly the easiest way to pack lighter. Shop around for suitcases that boast smart features, like collapsible compartments and hands-free technology (yes, that’s a thing now!). Of course, for the discerning fashionista, aesthetics are also an important factor. Don’t sacrifice fashion for function. Instead, take a look at this round up of smart luggage options that are as stylish as they are innovative.

  1. Plan ahead with a packing list

Panicked packing accounts for plenty of poor packing decisions. When you leave packing until the last minute, it can be tempting to throw in a whole host of things you don’t need. One way to avoid this is to make a packing list. Make a list of days you’ll be away and possible events you’ll attend. From there, you can plan out your outfits and avoid accidentally tossing in 10 extra pairs (one backup is enough) of stockings “‘just in case.”

This should also include some everyday items you may need to bring along but haven’t thought about. You can look over all the options for vacation rentals linked here and then see if the place is lacking something you’ll surely need. For example, some places don’t have their own towels, so it’s best to bring a few of your own for the duration of your stay. Or, if you’re staying in an area with cold temperatures, consider bringing along some extra blankets or warm clothing items. These little touches can make all the difference during your trip and ensure that you have everything you need for a comfortable stay!

Great Travel Packing Tips

  1. Roll your clothes

If you’re a fashion lover, this suggestion might make you cringe. But rolling up your clothes to make more room in your suitcase is a trend that is already popular with fashion bloggers. Tight rolls not only save a lot of space but can actually prevent creasing. If you’re still worried about wrinkles, you can reduce the friction by rolling your clothes with sheets of tissue paper.

  1.  Downsize your toiletries

Bring your most important makeup items in your carry-on, but leave any full-sized toiletries at home. Not only do they take up space in your luggage, but they can also break and spill in transit, marking your clothes. Yikes. Be realistic — you don’t need your mega bottle of conditioner for the weekend. Instead, take advantage of hotel-brand toiletries. But if you absolutely must take your favorite shampoo, transfer it to a travel-sized bottle.

Great Travel Packing Tips

  1. Make every space count

The key to effective packing is to make every inch of space count. From putting your socks in your shoes to creating DIY dividers in your suitcase, savvy travelers on Pinterest have come up with dozens of neat little packing tips and tricks on for you to follow. You might even want to make your own Pinterest board with your new favorite travel hacks for other heavy-packaging fashionistas to adopt.

When you loves clothes, packing light isn’t always an option. So, if you can’t pack light, pack smart. Using the right luggage and clever packing hacks, you can make the packing process more manageable and maybe even leave some room in your suitcase for the fab new clothes you pick up on your trip.

Happy travels!

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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