Funeral Planning for a Loved One

Funeral planning for a loved one: #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #funeral #burial #funeral #cremation #planningyourfuneral
Funeral planning for a loved one: #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #funeral #burial #funeral #cremation #planningyourfuneral FUNERAL PLANNING YOUR FUNERAL

Saying goodbye to a loved one can be incredibly hard. When your emotions are still vulnerable after the passing of someone you love, planning a funeral for them can be an overwhelming ordeal. There are numerous decisions to make and several things to plan, so if you do not know what you are doing, things can get a little hectic. However, you should not worry. In the unfortunate event that someone you love passes away and you are left in charge of planning their funeral, here are some tips to guide you in making decisions that would help you say goodbye to the person you love in an honorable way. (Image Credits: Rhodi Lopez/Unsplash)

Consider If They Will Be Buried or Cremated

The first step you would need to take when planning a funeral is whether or not you are going to bury or cremate the body of your loved one. Many people have a set choice of what they want to do with their bodies in case they pass, but in case your loved one did not leave any instructions on how this step should go; it would be up to you to make the call. Cremation is a popular choice, nowadays, and you can easily choose urns for your those special to you so you can spread their ashes at a later point or even keep the urn as it is in a special place. Many people choose cremation as it gives them an option to keep something of their loved ones with them, which is something people often seek after saying goodbye to someone dear to them. 

This popular approach can be, however, pretty pricey depending on the type of urn and service you are looking for. This is why people are often on the lookout for low-cost cremation services that cover everything they want done for a smaller price. This allows them to honor their loved ones in the best way possible without breaking the bank.

Choose a Funeral Director

You might be tempted to plan and organize every tiny detail in the funeral yourself, but in reality, you will probably have so much to take care of and so choosing a funeral director could be essential. Funeral directors would be able to take care of the transportation of the body as well as provide coffins or urns and all the necessary flowers to go with them. They would also be able to help the family of the deceased choose a proper venue for a memorial service or any kind post-funeral gathering that sees all family and friends of the deceased comforting each other and showing support.  

Gather Information for an Obituary

Once you have all the information you need about the place of the funeral and the venue for the memorial afterward if there is going to be any, you should gather it all along with some kind words and information about the deceased to create an obituary. The obituary will work as a notice for people who know the deceased and would like to be there to say their goodbyes too. You can write short paragraphs from the heart about your loved one who passed to go along with the obituary. 

Buy Essentials for the Service

The funeral directors should be able to organize most of the essentials for the funeral service itself from burying or cremation to seating and organizing the venue. However, you can add some extras as you please and as your budget allows you to go with the funeral or the service afterward. These essentials could be anything from extra flower arrangements to memorial cards that guests can take with them or even a guest card where people can write some words for the deceased or show support for their family and friends

Choose a Catering Service

One of the most important things you would have to plan for after the funeral service is catering. If you will be hiring a funeral director for the service itself, they might be able to offer you a catering bundle themselves or at least point out someone who can take care of that area for you. Alternatively, you can seek out any local caterers where the funeral will be and see if they can make you any offers. Make sure you order food that would cater to most people’s dietary requirements so that you do not have any surprises on the day of the service. 

Funerals are hard enough on their own, let alone when it is the funeral of someone you love, and you have to plan it yourself. Planning the funeral can be overwhelmingly hard and you might feel lost sometimes trying to make essential decisions. However, you should always remember that there is help out there for those who need it when it comes to planning a funeral. Try to honor your loved one’s wishes if they left any for after their departure, but remember not to overwhelm yourself if you cannot tick every point off your checklist. Funerals are all about saying goodbye to a special someone so make sure you take the time to do that before anything. 

Amani Mutuma is a professional content writer who helps small businesses & bloggers make a positive impact in the world. He’s passionate about personal development and aspires to help people grow through his writing. Connect with him on Instagram or Twitter.
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