Christian Artist: Pablo Alvarez Jr.

Beverly Hills Magazine Christian Artist Pablo Alvarez Singer Musical Artist
Pablo Alvarez Jr Christian Artist #bevhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #christian #artist #christianartist #californian

An upcoming Christian artist, Pablo Alvarez Jr discovered his passion for music when he was three years old when his father bought him a guitar. He comes from a family of musicians, and his dedication to singing for the Lord knows no bounds.

Moreover, what makes his music so different is God and his unique ability to tell stories that people can relate to in his songs, often reassuring them that they aren’t going through their problems alone.

We were able to have a chit-chat with this music sensation to know his musical goals, his inspirations, and aspirations, and he didn’t disappoint us.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Give us a little background about yourself… Where did you grow up, education, etc.?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: Ever since. At a young age, I have lived in California for as long as I can remember. It’s always been hard being that shy kid that is trying to fit in with everyone else

Beverly Hills Magazine: When did you discover your passion as a singer?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: When I was 3 years old, my Dad bought me my first guitar after I saw my uncle buying my oldest cousin one and I also wanted to try it out. Even though I didn’t know any songs or how to play at all, by the glory of God I was self-taught and decided to use that talent to serve and worship God.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What is your signature as a musical artist?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: Making songs that can speak to the listener, so it won’t be me making them want to seek God but God’s will through my music. When they listen to my music they can also understand that I have gone through that and with Christ, we think differently.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Who or what are your lyrical inspirations?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: I look up to “For KING & COUNTRY ” and” Michael W. Smith” a lot. The way their music has made me overthink my choices, I know it has been God all along with his plan.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What is your vision for your career? Where do you hope to go with it?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: All I want for people to see is that God has great plans. And we should worship Him at all times and not only when we are going through something.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What does your music represent, or what is your message?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: That I am a nobody, and that there is nothing special about me. Anybody can do this. God’s letting me do this, and God’s using me, and I’m grateful for that faith. I want young people to get out and worship God in spirit and truth.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How has God played a part in your career?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: A few months ago, I was struggling to walk on the right path, and life was getting more complicated. One day I decided to get up and write what was in my mind so that it can get off my chest. Little did I know that those thoughts would become a song. I called it “Amen” which speaks about how in my hardest points, God was always there, Amen.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What is your greatest passion in life?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: Learning More and Playing more for Jesus,  My Friend John Morales once gave me advice saying “Pablito Play and sing for the Lord as much as you can while you’re still young” and I kept that in my mind today.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What are some of the challenges you’ve faced as an artist?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: When I felt that the song wasn’t really great at all, But now I’ve learned to pray before releasing a song so that it can be God in charge.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What are the greatest rewards?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: Worshipping God is the best thing you can do, the greatest reward is given by God

Beverly Hills Magazine: What makes an artist successful?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: Making songs that are relatable to my generation and sonically sound. I’m a storyteller, and my experiences give me a lot to talk about with compelling stories and melodies.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Why is music an important part of your life?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: I sing and play every day because the day that I don’t worship God, my soul gets sad, and when there is no worship he won’t be present”. Every one of my family members is a musician and that is only for the glory of God.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Do you have a life motto, quote, or scripture you live by?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: “Keep Moving Forward” never look back and continue with Christ.

“C’mon Now” Let’s do things right and follow the way (Jesus).

Beverly Hills Magazine: What advice would you give to aspiring singers?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: Keep working and know that you’re never truly done. You’re never going to reach a point where you’re the best.

Work like you’ve never worked before. When others are working hard, work harder. It’s super important.

Besides, if you believe you can do it and you feel like you’re called, then go for it. But always remember to Put God first, and everything else will follow. Our purpose is to please God and not the people.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Have you discovered a personal purpose in what you do?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: The reason I do this is only for The LORD, nothing else is important.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Anything else you would like to add or share?

Pablo Alvarez Jr: Life is not easy, but Seek God and when you do anything, do it for The LORD.

Peace is a freelance content writer who enjoys reading, acquiring knowledge and she loves to code.
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