Sofia Vergara has been one of the most prolific and versatile actresses in American television and coincidentally all of Hollywood for the past few years. She is one of the most well-known Hollywood celebrities due to her role in the ...

Dwayne Johnson, most commonly known as The Rock has been a household name for decades ever since he made his debut in the World Wrestling Federation(WWF) in the early 90s, and later through his hugely successful career in acting, he ...

When you think of the sultry ‘60s actress Brigitte Bardot, Saint Tropez undoubtedly springs to mind. The former fishing village rose to fame as the backdrop of her hit 1957 movie And God Created Woman which catapulted both Bardot and St ...

Natalie Portman, born with the name Natalie Herslag adopted her paternal grandmother’s maiden name, Portman, during the early days of her acting career for privacy reasons.  A total beauty with brains who once said she would choose to be smart ...

Supermodels are prominent personalities in Hollywood, and it isn’t rare to see them dive into acting sometimes; Irina Shayk is no exception.  Irina Shayk is a prominent model born in a small town in Russia, whose exposure into the limelight ...

For our Hollywood spotlight of the week, we shine our light on Henry Cavill, the Superman! Henry Cavill is an English actor who started acting officially in 2001. His passion for acting got ignited when he met Russell Crowe on ...

Anya Taylor-Joy, the hottest sensation in the world right now, is an American-born Argentine-British actress that has been destined for stardom right from the start of her acting career. She came into Hollywood to break all records— The first Latina ...

Gal Gadot, the Israeli actress is our Hollywood spotlight for this week. A multi-national sensation, she has had many interesting turns in her life. Who would have thought she was Miss Israel 2004 and served in the military.  However, these ...

Jared Leto, officially known as Jared Joseph Leto, is an American musician and actor known for his success in multiple careers. This multi-talented star has graced our screens for over three decades now, and the world still can’t seem to ...

America’s best friend Jennifer Aniston is here in her recent show: More than friends to tell us all about her struggles in life. Many may not know that before her hit TV series Friends she had starred in four failed ...

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