Business Data Management

Business Data Management

Despite what some would have you believe, data management isn’t a simple case of backing up important files and storing data on the cloud. It’s true that these things are fundamental parts of the whole topic, but there’s so much more that goes into data management. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to storing and managing business data. However, there are certain general practices that all business owners can benefit from. Here are a few tips which will get you up to speed. (Image by By Helpameout CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Know the Value of Your Data

When you really understand the value of your business data, it will become so much easier to define the storage strategy you should be applying, along with any policies and protocols your business should be following. To figure out the best route for your specific operations, you need to be asking and answering all the right questions. How long should your data be stored? If it disappears, how long can you afford to go without access to your data? What kind of security measures should you be sticking to? How fast do you need to be able to access your business data? These questions are only the tip of the iceberg really, but mulling them over will give you a great start to planning out your data infrastructure.

Get Clued Up About Your Industry’s Compliance Needs

Depending on the kind of niche your business occupies, you’re going to need to make certain tweaks to your data management system in order to ensure you stay fully compliant in choosing your solutions. The most highly-regulated industries are typically healthcare and financial services, so make sure you’re not brushing over this step if this is the niche your business is occupying. However, even publicly traded companies will need to stick to certain laws in order to stay fully compliant. Fail to adhere to these policies and regulations, and you could find yourself in some seriously hot water further down the line.

Find the Most Reliable Vendor You Can Afford

Like most business owners these days, you probably can’t go very long without seeing an ad or an email from cloud storage providers or data centre designers. When outsourcing your data management activities, you need to make sure that you’re choosing the most reliable vendor you can possibly afford. By taking your time with this decision, you’ll have more time to focus on your business’s core processes and competency, without having to waste time directing unreliable tech support, or even worse dealing with any issues in-house! Look into some impartial reviews of vendors, read up on their case studies, or even do some networking and ask other business owners about their experience with different vendors, both in the set-up and their support later on. The best vendors will know the latest tech and compliance updates like the back of their hand, and will be able to give you expert advice accordingly.

When setting up your business computer infrastructure, be sure to follow these tips for data management for the smoothest experience possible.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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