Black Skin? Here’s Why Men of Color Need a Skin Care Routine

Black Skin? Here’s Why Men of Color Need a Skin Care Routine #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #blackmen #blackskin #acnetreatment #skinproblems #darksptsontheskin #skincareproducts
Image Used With Permission By Ron McClenny on Unsplash

If you ask whether our skin is different from one another, the answer is yes and no. The fundamental structure of our skin is the same. However, black skin is different from others when it comes to specific needs and care.

Black skin care comes with a few challenges that we’d love to get into in a jiff.

While it’s a fact that skin is skin, no matter the gender and color you’re in, skin problems like acne and dark spots can have an effect on dark-skinned men in different ways. Also, treatments for these skin problems may vary depending on skin color as some skin care products have different effects on darker skin.

Hence, here’s why we think men of color should have a good skin care routine. Keep reading to learn more!

Unwanted Ingrown Facial Hair and Razor Bumps

Black men deal with razor bumps and ingrown hair, or skin irritations caused by shaving, more often than other men. Because of their natural curly hair texture, their hair is more likely to get trapped under the skin. This leads to inflammation, and thus causes irritations and razor bumps on the skin’s surface.

Doing the correct shaving practices can prevent unwanted razor bumps from occurring. Be careful not to shave the same spot repeatedly as you might cut the hair too short, it will pull back into your skin and cause irritation. Furthermore, when shaving, follow the direction your hair grows.

If you are already suffering from razor bumps, treat and prevent them from showing up again with the use of a gentle exfoliator such as glycolic and salicylic acids. They are exceptionally good at releasing the trapped hair beneath the skin, so new hair springs out easily without getting caught up.

For black men, you don’t necessarily need high acid concentration. Dermatologists recommend 2% glycolic or salicylic acid, starting from at least once a week, and gradually increasing the frequency as needed.

Excess Oil

Men have thicker and oilier skin compared to women. For black men, their skin can even be more oilier and thicker.

On the bright side, their skin tends to look more youthful as more oil on the skin slows down the signs of aging. And because their skin is thicker, it doesn’t sag easily. However, there’s always the downside: acne.

One common mistake most people with oily skin make is that they use astringents that are harsh on the skin, and these include alcohol and witch hazel. If you are using products that contain these substances, you may want to stop using them any further. These substances are drying out your skin, resulting in your skin producing more oil—and you wouldn’t want that!

Rather, use a good oil-free, lightweight moisturizer or serum with hyaluronic acid that moisturizes and hydrates your skin while keeping your oil production balanced.

Furthermore, you may have heard of benzoyl peroxide as acne treatment; and while it’s true that it is indeed effective, black men should be cautious of “how” you use this substance. For most people with black skin, it is widely known as skin irritant.

Therefore, if you must use this in treating your breakouts because of its effectiveness, opt for a facial cleanser with benzoyl peroxide in its ingredients; rather than as a cream or lotion that you leave on your skin for hours as it may cause mild to severe irritations.

Dark Spots

Dark spots on the skin are caused by hyperpigmentation, and they show up whatever skin color you’re in. However, dark spots are more likely to appear in people with darker skin as they have higher melanin percentage.

Sun damage as well as ingredients in some skin care products can cause dark spots. How do you prevent dark spots for occurring?

Avoiding inflammation is the most effective way in preventing the occurrence of dark spots. But, often times it can be difficult if you have skin problems such as chronic acne.

This is where gentle skin care products come into play. Skin care products that contain lower levels of “active ingredients” are generally ideal for black men.

Sun Damage

While it’s true that black people generally have more inborn protection from sun exposure due to their high levels of melanin, relying on that is not enough unless you add sunscreen in your skin care routine. It’s widely known that sun damage can potentially cause skin cancer on top of a lot of skin problems, and for most men of color—dark spots.

The Takeaway

There’s nothing un-manly about taking care of your skin. It’s important to establish a good skin care routine early on to help keep your black skin clear, healthy and radiant. A “good skin care” means no using of products with harsh ingredients that could potentially damage your black skin.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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