Beauty Trends of Cruelty-Free Makeup Brands

Understanding the Current Trends of Cruelty-Free Make-up Lines #Beauty
Understanding the Current Trends of Cruelty-Free Make-up Lines #Beauty

Socially responsible cosmetics are changing the landscape of beauty with cruelty free makeup lines that are derived from plant-based sources. Switching to cruelty-free cosmetics will not sacrifice your expectations of a beauty product, but instead gives you a better alternative for make-up brands that are free from animal-derived ingredients. (Image Courtesy of

These brands often guarantee that their products are not tested on animals and completely devoid of your beauty regimen of any animal-based additives. The term cruelty-free connotes to its near vegan assumption, although there are make-up products in the market claiming to have the same tagline, but is often fabricated to increase their price points.

Before applying cruelty-free makeup make sure your skin is hydrated with a cruelty-free eye cream and overall moisturizer.  Using creams will help make your makeup last longer throughout the day.  Furthermore, an eye cream in specific will help your under-eye concealer from creasing.

How do you determine if a cosmetics line is what it claims?

Look for the Certification Logo on the Product’s Packaging

One way to determine if a cosmetics line is not animal tested is to look for the certified bunny logos or PETA certification, which can be found on the packaging. There are several internationally recognized certifications for cruelty-free brands, including the Cruelty-Free Internations, PETA’s Beauty without Bunnies, and the Choose Cruelty-Free (CCF) organizations.

This is sometimes the easiest way to spot a socially responsible cosmetics line and something visible even at first glance. You can quickly locate the certification logo on the fool-proof reference guide, mostly found at the back of the product.

Companies intending to use these bunny logos should pay to have their products certified.  It entails meeting all the standards of the organization. Although the cruelty-free cosmetics industry is highly regulated, watch out for products using unofficial bunny logos, which is deceptive in terms of their certification processes.

Consult the Experts if You Want to Be Sure about a Purchase

Coming across a product that professes to be cruelty-free is inevitable with products coming from many other countries. But just as you would do when buying a property, consulting with the experts will give you sound information.

It’s not hard to find an influencer in this day and age with social media providing access to these people. Get expert advice from people who know the inside outs to a product. Beauty experts and even bloggers often feature products on their websites, so it’s worth checking if you are sceptical about a particular make-up.

There are also dedicated websites that are considered enough to provide you with information about a specific brand, including finding if they fit the bill for a cruelty-free make-up. An expert opinion is helpful if you have exhausted all your means to figure if a brand is socially responsible.

Get Your Cosmetics from Trusted and Exclusive Online Sellers

If you want to be sure about a make-up brand, it is always advisable to purchase them from exclusive cruelty-free make-up and cosmetics sellers. These sites pool their products from trusted brands and stand by their line of offerings.

Cruelty-free cosmetics are changing the landscape of the beauty industry because it takes into account the consequential effects of using animals to create and test these products. A plant-based move to your skin regimen is closer to our nature without affecting the lives of other creatures. Opting for a switch has proven to provide women with a discernible aura of beauty without the side effects caused by animal by-products.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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