Your skin is an organ. The largest organ on your body, in fact. Why wouldn’t you make an effort to look after it? After all, everybody can see it! It indicates whether you’re healthy, and can make a big difference to the way you look. The skincare tips in this post are so effective you’ll wish you’d known them sooner!
Wash Your Pillowcases More Often
I’m not saying you don’t wash your pillowcases, I’m simply suggesting you wash them a little more often than you currently do. Your skin could clear up faster than you ever imagined! Your skin gets a lot of flack throughout the day, and you can transfer some of that ‘flack’ onto your pillows. Sleeping on it night after night can be bad for your skin. The worse you feel your skin is, the more regularly you should change your pillowcases. (Image Credit)
Start Eating Good Fats Regularly
Good fats include foods like egg yolk, avocado, and nuts. Good fats are brilliant for helping to regenerate shiny new skin cells, nails, and hair.
Keep Up a Good Skincare Routine (Even After Too Much Wine)
The more consistent you can be with your skincare routine, the better. Don’t skip taking your makeup off when you’ve had too much to drink. Stick to it and you should see amazing results. We really recommend you stop drinking alcohol altogether if you really want the most youthful beautiful skin you can get. Finding products that are perfect for your skin can take a little longer, but it’ll be worth it in the end!
Always Apply SPF – Not Optional!
You should not see applying an SPF as optional. It’s essential. SPF is included in many moisturizers these days, so try to find one of those if that makes it easier. The sun might not be shining, but the rays can still damage our skin. Applying SPF will give you peace of mind!
Research Spa Treatments
There are lots of spa treatments, some will be perfect for you and others won’t be so great. You can give yourself a spa style treatment at home if you have the right products. If you want to treat yourself, consult a medical spa professional to tell you what would be best for you.
Only Use Products for Your Skin Type
Don’t buy products just because you like the packaging. You need to know whether they are right for your skin type first! Using products that are unsuitable for your skin type will make your skin worse. You might find it dries out, gets oily and spotty, or just doesn’t look great. Also bear in mind that your skin type might change with the seasons, so you’ll need to overhaul your products. I recommend finding your skin type and then reading reviews online to find the right ones for you. Spending a little more can be beneficial if you want some quality products.
Start using these beautiful skin care secrets right away and you’ll see what a huge difference they can make to your complexion. Leave a comment with any tips that you might have below. Stay beautiful!
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