Annalise Oatman Taylor: Journey into Deeper Well Therapy

Annalise Oatman’s Journey into Psychotherapy and Spiritual Wellness #spiritualcoach #beverlyhillsmagazine #annaliseoatman
Annalise Oatman’s Journey into Psychotherapy and Spiritual Wellness #spiritualcoach #beverlyhillsmagazine #annaliseoatman

Beverly Hills Magazine is honored to sit down with Annalise Oatman Taylor, a distinguished psychotherapist and psychedelic practitioner whose unique approach to healing blends traditional therapy with spirituality. Through her innovative practice, Deeper Well Therapy, Annalise helps individuals navigate their subconscious, access their inner wisdom, and heal emotional wounds. With a deep-rooted passion for holistic wellness and a profound personal journey that led her to this transformative work, she is reshaping the way we understand mental health and self-discovery. Today, she shares insights into her path, her practice, and the powerful intersection of psychology, spirituality, and healing.


Beverly Hills Magazine: Annalise, we’re so excited to have you join us! Your work is so unique, and I can’t wait to learn more about it. Can you share a little about your background and what led you to pursue a career in psychotherapy and social work?

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Oh my gosh, where do I even begin? There are so many layers to that story.

I’ve always been drawn to healing, even as a little girl. I was fascinated by nature, elemental energies, and the idea of how plants could help people. There was always a pull in that direction for me. Alongside that, I’ve always been very drawn to literature and philosophy, which also shaped my path.

I completed a four-year philosophy degree in Ireland, and when I returned to California, I found myself in a bit of a quarter-life crisis. I was working minimum-wage jobs and really questioning my purpose. I kept asking, What am I here to do? That was a tough time for me.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s one of the most important questions we can ask in life. Discovering our purpose is truly life-changing.

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Absolutely. And it keeps evolving over time. But during that difficult period, I had a profound spiritual experience that changed everything.

One morning, I woke up just before dawn, in that space between sleep and wakefulness. My eyes were closed, yet I could see the entire room perfectly, as if I had x-ray vision. Suddenly, I saw a being of incredibly bright light—so intense it was almost a frequency beyond anything I had ever encountered.

The being approached me and communicated, Don’t be afraid, then placed hands on my head. And just like that, I woke up.

Beverly Hills Magazine:  Wow, that’s incredible. That must have been such a powerful moment for you. That reminds me of the Lord Jesus who in the Bible tells us “Do not be afraid” 365 times. Once for every day of the year.

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Oh wow..Yeah it was powerful. I immediately wanted to understand what I had just experienced, so I went to a local bookstore and started searching for answers. That’s when I discovered books by Doreen Virtue. She was a psychologist who wrote about spirituality and angels, and I thought, This is it! She was merging traditional therapy with spirituality, and that felt like the perfect path for me. That moment put me on my journey to becoming a licensed therapist.

Beverly Hills Magazine: I love Doreen! So would you say your practice, Deeper Well Therapy, is about merging traditional therapy with spirituality?

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Yes, exactly! Deeper Well Therapy is about helping people access the deeper parts of themselves—their embodied self, their soul, and the unconscious channels beyond just the thinking mind. I was actually inspired by a song called Deeper Well by Emmylou Harris. There’s a line that says, I drank the water of a deeper well, and that resonated so deeply with me. I see the image of a well as a sacred, feminine symbol—something that reaches deep into the earth, the body, and the collective unconscious.

Annalise Oatman’s Journey into Psychotherapy and Spiritual Wellness #spiritualcoach #beverlyhillsmagazine #annaliseoatman

Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s beautiful. And it’s true, wells have been seen as sacred places throughout history. So how does this deeper well concept tie into your approach to therapy?

Annalise Oatman Taylor: I believe the body itself is the deeper well. The body holds wisdom, memories, and emotions that we may not even be consciously aware of. Many people think of therapy as a process of talking things out logically, but real transformation happens when we go deeper—through dreams, body awareness, and subconscious processing.

For example, somatic therapy helps people tune into subtle sensations in the body that can reveal deeper emotional wounds. The body carries so much truth, and when we listen to it, we can unlock healing in profound ways.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That makes so much sense. We are body, soul, and spirit—everything is interconnected. If we neglect one aspect, it affects the others.

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Exactly! And in my work, I help clients recognize that connection.

Beverly Hills Magazine: When clients come to you, what kinds of challenges are they facing? How do you help them navigate those challenges?

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Most of my clients come to me because they feel blocked in some way—emotionally, creatively, or spiritually. Many struggle with anxiety, relationship difficulties, or a sense of being disconnected from their true selves.

Through Deeper Well Therapy, I guide them toward a more embodied, soulful awareness of who they are. We explore subconscious patterns, use dreamwork, and engage in somatic practices to help them break through their blocks and reconnect with their inner wisdom.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That’s incredible. Your approach is truly unique and so needed in today’s world. Before we wrap up, how can people connect with you if they’re interested in your work?

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Thank you! The best way to reach me is through my website and social media. I offer sessions, workshops, and resources for those looking to deepen their healing journey.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Annalise, this has been such an enlightening conversation. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences with us. We appreciate the important work you’re doing to help people heal and connect with their deeper selves.

Annalise Oatman Taylor: Thank you so much for having me! It’s been an honor to share this with you.

Annalise Oatman’s work is a testament to the power of deep healing and self-awareness. By merging psychotherapy with spirituality and somatic practices, she guides individuals toward true transformation, helping them reconnect with their inner selves and unlock their full potential. Her passion and wisdom serve as an inspiration for those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. As we continue on our own paths of growth and healing, Annalise reminds us that the journey inward is just as important as the journey outward. To learn more about her work, visit her website and connect with her online.