7 Reasons Why You Should Rent Clothes, Not Buy

7 Reasons Why You Should Rent Clothes, Not Buy #fashion #style #shop #shopping #clothing #beverlyhills #shop #clothes #shopping #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #dress #styles #instyle #dresses #shop #clothes #shopping #shoes #handbags
7 Reasons Why You Should Rent Clothes, Not Buy #fashion #style #shop #shopping #clothing #beverlyhills #shop #clothes #shopping #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #dress #styles #instyle #dresses #shop #clothes #shopping #shoes #handbags

Change the way you shop by renting clothes instead of buying them. Many people still have a negative perception of this because they don’t like the idea of sharing clothes with a bunch of strangers, but the truth is that it’s the same when you buy clothes. (Images Credit: Shutterstock)

Here are some reasons to convince you to start renting.

1. Save time

You won’t have to worry about spending a lot of time to find the perfect gown for any occasion because you can just rent a designer piece.  Think of the time you’ll save when looking for an affordable alternative for the clothes that you want. Since it’s becoming a trend, the number of rental shops are increasing, which also means there will be more options to choose from.

A lot of these shops are online also, so it will be easier for you to purchase. You can just browse the online shops, look for the designer piece you want, and rent it. Quick and easy. Now, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and money on something you’ll only use once.

2. Save money

Sometimes, because of not having enough time, we tend to buy clothing that fits the needs of a certain event for a high price, but never wear them again because they only serve one purpose. Dress Hire on The Volte can give you some fresh picks on clothes for rent.

Imagine the extra funds you’d save if you rent clothes that you’ll only use once. Spending a fortune for a gown just isn’t worth it, especially if you’re not gonna use it again. You can find a really great piece of fashion that’s extremely worth it when you rent clothes.

3. More variety

“I don’t have anything to wear.” This is what we usually say despite having a closet full of clothes. We all know that others notice what we wear and honestly, they may have seen that you’ve been repeating outfits too much.

When your fashion has become a routine, renting is your solution. You won’t be caught at an event wearing the same clothes ever again. You also won’t have the issue of having to stick to a terrible fashion choice since it’s just rented. Even more, you can go with the latest fashion trends and styles.

4. You don’t have to worry about storage

 Right now, there are subscriptions available that allow you to rent clothes for periods ranging from one month, to three months, to a year. Because of this, you don’t need to worry about storing so much clothes in your closet. On top of that, you’ll be able to ride with the up and coming trends since these rental providers have a good collection of latest trends and classic pieces.

This goes the same way with clothes that are only used once. For example, wedding gowns or prom dresses are only worn once. Since you won’t be wearing them again, renting seems to be an option that provides a practical solution without having to break the bank.

7 Reasons Why You Should Rent Clothes, Not Buy #fashion #style #shop #shopping #clothing #beverlyhills #shop #clothes #shopping #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #dress #styles #instyle #dresses #shop #clothes #shopping #shoes #handbags

5. Can make calculated risks

 Don’t worry about taking risks when it comes to clothing because renting is like going through a demo of your new style. By renting, you can take risks and change up your style from time to time. There’s no need to commit to it since you’ll be returning the clothing anyway.

Renting gives you the perfect opportunity to explore new looks without having to invest in a whole wardrobe. Stop overthinking and try something new since you’ve got nothing to lose.

6. Live glamorously

 Contrary to its nature, renting can actually allow you to live glamorously. This is because one of the advantages of renting is being able to wear designer clothes. While spending the same amount as you would when you buy a new piece of clothing, you can rent out designer clothes instead. By doing this, you would get a chance to wear great pieces of clothing that you would normally not spend on or afford.

7. Unique Styles

One of the greatest benefits of renting clothes, is that you can change up your style with unique looks for different occasions, without the extra cost. When you buy clothes, you keep spending more money, but as you rent, you spend less money, but get more variety in your wardrobe.


For the wellbeing of your closet and your wallet, maybe you’ll be convinced to start renting clothes. Don’t be afraid to rent and change up your style. As you can see, it is more practical, and there are so much advantages when renting clothes instead of buying them.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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