6 Smart Home Devices for Senior Citizens

6 Smart Home Devices for Senior Citizens beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #seniorcitizens #nursinghome #smartdevices #seniors

As many people age, their families are faced with the tough decision of deciding whether they will be the ones to care for their loved ones, or if they should be placed in an assisted care facility. Many families don’t like the idea of their aging loved ones spending the remainder of their days (which can be a considerable amount of time) in a nursing home, and many senior citizens (those aged 65 and older)  simply refuse to be placed in a nursing home.

This is understandable, since there have been unfortunate incidents occurring in nursing homes, and so, a growing number of seniors opt to do what is called aging in place. This means that they will continue to live out the rest of their days in their own home. It’s important to note that aging in place includes safety and comfort, and many seniors can’t achieve that independently, or at least not without some help.

Smart Devices Related to Health

#1: Smart Pill Dispenser

Many senior citizens are prescribed more than one type of medication, and many of these medications are time-dependent. It can get confusing knowing what medication to take and when, so a smart pill dispenser can help eliminate some of that trouble. These dispensers can be programmed to release the correct medication at the proper time, and some even have a locking feature that prevents overdoses.

#2: Fall Detection Devices

Many seniors experience falls in the home, and this is even more dangerous when they are alone. Some companies that make security motion sensors have also developed sensors that can detect a human fall. This can be a type of radio system, or it can be worn as a pendant or a bracelet.

Smart Devices Related to General Safety

#3: Smart Security Cameras

Unfortunately, senior citizens tend to be a target for break-ins and other serious crimes. Smart security systems and cameras alert to break-ins, as well as doors or windows that have been left unlocked/open. There is also the option for smart security cameras to be placed inside the home, as a way for other family members to stay in touch and check in on aging family members.

#4: Smart Locks

Along with security cameras, there’s a need for smart locks. Not all smart locks have to be controlled from a smartphone— some use voice recognition and fingerprints, while others can be activated with a numerical code.

#5: Smart Smoke Detectors

Senior citizens are at a higher risk for a lot of things, and one of those things is being a victim of a fire. One benefit that a smart smoke detector has over a regular one is that while some seniors may not be able to hear the alarm, a smart smoke detector also alerts caregivers’ smartphones.

#6: Smart Outlets and Appliances

Smart plugs are an extension for an outlet that allows lights and devices to be turned off via smartphone or voice command. Many of us— not just seniors— can forget to turn off tools and appliances that can potentially cause a fire, and this is another good reason to invest in smart plugs such as fixed gas detection. There are also devices that can control a specific appliance.

There are many other smart devices recommended for senior citizens who live alone. The goal of each of these devices is to make sure they are safe and receive help if they cannot call for it on their own.

The majority of senior citizens would like to stay in their current home as opposed to living with another family member/caregiver or an assisted care facility. Aging in place allows seniors to feel more independent and less dependent on family members. Their mental and physical health are improved, therefore increasing their quality of life. With modifications thanks to modern technology, aging in place is a very achievable option for seniors.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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