4 Tips For Finding Love During The Pandemic

4 Tips For Finding Love During The Pandemic #beverlyhills #beverlyhilsmagazine #bevhillsmag #virtualdating #pandemic #findinglove

When it comes to the field of dating, many of you’ll attest that the early stages are the most complicated. This is where you’ll usually work on getting yourself a date either online or a recommendation from a friend. Once you both hit it off online, that’s when you make plans on meeting together for the first time. However, during this pandemic, the old rules of dating aren’t any more applicable.   

As you all know, this pandemic has urged everyone to stay in their homes and cancel all their plans. This pandemic has also caused national and international lockdowns, which means social gatherings are prohibited, such as attending parties, shopping in crowded malls, going to the movies, strolling on busy streets, traveling to foreign countries, and of course, meeting and dating people in public.  

Thus, dating and finding love has become even more complicated than before. The level of uncertainty with your chances of finding love increases, and loneliness might silently creep in while you’re locked indoors. However, just because the pandemic has made dating more complicated doesn’t mean you’re destined to be forever alone.   

Remember this pandemic is only temporary, and there are still ways to help you become closer to your soul mate even during these unprecedented times. Read on below for four tips to help you find love during the pandemic.  

  • Be Upfront About Your Intentions  

One dating tip that has stayed consistent even during this pandemic is being upfront. Even if most of you are using the same dating apps, it doesn’t mean everyone has the same intention as you. Some people are only looking for something casual and not too serious, while others are looking for someone they can settle with for a serious commitment. Since this pandemic has made most of you resort to dating apps to find your match, it’s essential to become honest and upfront with your intentions.  

This way, you can avoid being trapped in an unrequited love wherein you’re serious while the other party is just looking for something casual. You might be in a quarantine relationship, but what is unrequited love if neither of you is happy, right? So, always make sure you and the other party are on the same page.   

  • Start Slow With Virtual Dating And Communication  

You may think this pandemic has adversely affected your dating game. Because of lockdown, you can’t meet people as often as you want or go on as many dates as you can. This might seem like a sad thing, but in reality, you can use this to your advantage.  

While quarantine dating may not be as fun as going out on real dates, this will give you a chance to actually slow down and spend more time getting to know someone online. This can also be a chance for you to get creative with your virtual dates, such as having virtual dinner dates or watching a movie online at the same time. 

Slowly build genuine connections with that person online before you jump right ahead to a physical relationship. After all, love is not about how much physical contact you make, but it’s about real feelings and working together to keep the quarantine relationship thriving. 

  • Don’t Forget To Talk About COVID-19 Risks 

You’re dating in the middle of the pandemic, so talking about COVID-19 risks is among the primary things you must share and discuss with your potential partner. This is true, especially if you’re both considering seeing each other in person.  

Moreover, it’s also ideal if you’re both open about each other’s COVID status before finalizing your agreement of meeting in person. Be honest and tell each other if either of you has been in contact with someone who is positive or if you’ve been exposed to a hospital facility filled with positive patients. The last thing you’d want to happen is to find a partner, only to end up compromising your health. 

Most importantly, it’s also recommended to get your vaccinations completed first before meeting in person. Safety must be first before finding your love.  

  • Be The Real You 

Understandably, some of you might be dying to find someone special, especially since this pandemic had made you feel much lonelier than ever. Thus, some of you might be tempted to fake your dating profile by using edited pictures, exaggerated biographies, false details about your age, work, and status. 

Unfortunately, doing so will only bring much further from your desire to find love during this pandemic. You might meet people who’d like to virtually date you through your fake identities. But remember that this pandemic is only temporary. Time will come when you’ll be meeting each other soon, and they may find out about how you lied about your age, status, hobbies, and other promises you made online. 

If you’re serious about finding love even during this pandemic, then just be yourself. Whether in person or online, embrace yourself and avoid faking yourself to satisfy and please others. You’ll know it when you find the right one for you when they accept you for who you genuinely are. 


Finding love amid this pandemic may sound complicated, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. So, get creative with your time and use it to start new hobbies, cook a new recipe, or learn to play an instrument. When the time is finally right, love will find its way to you in moments when you least expect it.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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