4 Startup Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs Living in California

4 Startup #Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs Living in #California #business #entreprenuers #success #motivation #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag
4 Startup #Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs Living in #California #business #entreprenuers #success #motivation #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag

California is often equated to paradise by visitors and Californians alike, and why not?

Lovely weather. No shortage of things to do. Sounds nice, right?

However, consider that doing business is California is a slightly different sort of story. Don’t get it twisted: there are tons of opportunities out there. The bustling entertainment industry and the likes of Silicon Valley speak for themselves. That said, this might leave a lot to be desired for those looking to start their own businesses in a state that’s notoriously competitive and expensive. This doesn’t mean that you can’t create your own gig or work remotely in California, though.

Not by a long shot.

For a taste of what California has to offer for those looking to start swift, actionable businesses that don’t necessarily require a physical location, check out the following ideas.

Translation Services

As it might come as no surprise, California has a thriving immigrant population and is home to two of largest sanctuary cities in the United States (San Francisco and San Jose).

Because of this, being a bilingual business owner is a huge bonus and translation services are in particular high-demand.

For those with strong writing or linguistic backgrounds, there’s a surprising amount of career potential in being a translator or interpreter on a freelance basis. From insurance claims and legal settings to simple documents, the work is certainly there for the taking.

4 Startup #Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs Living in #California #business #entreprenuers #success #motivation #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag

On-Demand Gigs and Services

California’s high cost of living is well-documented, with the state being a haven for high earners.

While this might seem to spell bad news for prospective business owners, it does spell good news for would-be service providers. Think about the rise of Uber and other on-demand “gig” type services.

Deliveries. Dog walking. House-sitting. You name it: there’s someone who’s more than willing to pay for it. If you can come up with a similar service-based concept that takes care of a tedious task for someone on the higher end of the income spectrum, chances are you have a business on your hands.

Ecommerce Stores

When it comes to online spending by state, California is unsurprisingly among the most avid of shoppers. Coupled with the state’s status as a tech hub, this signals a huge opportunity for e-tailers as opposed to brick-and-mortar retailers in an area that’s so expensive to set up. Have something to sell or dropship and you’re based in California? Take your shop online!

Marketing and Consulting

All of the ideas of this list speak to just how much potential there is for starting a business in California, right? Well, those same business owners obviously need marketing services to get off the ground, don’t they?

For those with a background in online marketing and social media ads in particular, you have a constant flux of business if you start a local agency. The same rules apply for those who want to starting a consulting business in California to tap into clientele from Silicon Valley.

With so much wealth and a diverse population with very specific needs in terms of services, California represents a massive window of opportunity for anyone looking to start a business. With a bit of planning, you can sow the seeds of your very own company in the Golden State without breaking the bank or taking any crazy risks.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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