3 Ways to Make Yourself More Appealing in the Eyes of Employers

Beverly Hills Magazine How to be appealing in the eyes of your employers
#bevhills #employers #employees

Being in between jobs is rough. Lacking a source of steady income only increases the pressure to bag yourself a new position as quickly as possible – which is, unfortunately, a whole of a lot easier said than done. This isn’t only a problem if you don’t have a job either, being in a role you’re keen to leave can be a lot more difficult than you would think because of how increasingly elusive breaking into a new position can be. This cycle of disappointment can become overwhelming, making it hard to find the motivation to carry on trying, but there are things you can do.

The trick is making yourself stand out. Every role has dozens of applicants who are all in a similar position – the key is to put yourself on the platform that makes you look like the most desirable candidate. While this isn’t sure to grab you an interview every time, it can do a lot to raise your chances.

Qualifications That Can Put You Ahead

A good way of making you appear more qualified for the role you’re applying for is to take training courses that actually do make you more qualified. Depending on the job that you’re looking to grab, this could really be just about anything. However, it could benefit your general chances of being employed by displaying the fact that you have qualifications – not only as it makes you look more experienced and therefore a better fit, but it’s also something that the other candidates might not have.

Finding courses in areas that have increasing utility is a good place to start if you’re unsure. For example, training to become an AWS certified cloud practitioner is a role that will see you become experienced with the prominent technology of cloud-computing – a skill likely valued by many in the modern, digital age.

Consider the Benefits of Volunteering

If it’s not something you’re already interested in, the prospect of volunteering might not be one that’s immediately very appealing to you. After all, unpaid work is surely the exact kind of situation you’re trying to avoid?

However, not only is volunteering a great way to spend time if you have some available between jobs, but it can also be a great addition to your CV that employers will be very interested in. It not only shows that you have initiative and are perhaps passionate about helping out with worthy causes but is also an opportunity for you to explain how it’s helped you to sharpen various skills – such as communication and time management. 

In addition to the ideal advantages of landing you in a position of employment, volunteering can also have more personal benefits, such as improving your mental health. Research has shown that volunteering can increase one’s sense of connectedness with nature or the world around them, as well as potentially reducing feelings of loneliness or isolation depending on the kind of work you’re doing. If the stress of finding a new job is getting to you, this could be a good way of killing two birds with one stone.

Peace is a freelance content writer who enjoys reading, acquiring knowledge and she loves to code.