Ways to Improve Your Marketability

Ways to Improve Your Marketability #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #improveyourmarketability #investinyourself

With so much competition in business, the job market, not to mention in daily life, it can be hard to stand out. Everyone looks to get ahead but did you ever think that you could be holding yourself back? Below are four tips to help you improve your marketability and stand out in a crowded market.

Get an MBA Degree

Typically, getting your MBA degree strengthens several areas, including creativity, leadership, and critical thinking. But it can also improve your marketability, communication skills and allow you to gain industry-specific knowledge. These things all look good on a resume, and many MBA programs give you a chance to demonstrate these skills. Not only will these projects give you a chance to practice, but they also allow you to show, rather than tell, potential employers about yourself. Going back to school is not for everyone, especially since it can be expensive. Still, there are ways of making it more affordable. For example, you might look for scholarships. Or you could consider taking out a loan to cover the balance. Specific lenders also allow you to enjoy a longer grace period when it comes to making repayments. Another option is to pursue an online MBA so you’re still able to work full-time.

Increase Your Social Media Presence

Social media platforms exist to help you build your brand and show your skills in the industry. You can also use them to connect with like-minded people in the industry. By having a strong, professional social media presence, it might be easier to be spotted by recruiters for desirable jobs as well. Just make sure you stay active. It might be fun to start a social media account and post for a while, but it’s easy to become bored and top posting. However, try to update your followers often about what you are up to professionally. For example, if you are starting a new career, add an update. Make sure your headshot is professional as well.

Join a Professional Association

You might look for professional organizations relevant to your industry. Still, just joining one and paying your dues is no longer enough.  Look for ways to become more active in that organization. For instance, perhaps you could become an expert speaker or bring on other panelists for conferences. Then again, if you’re a new business owner, you can join a professional networking group that aligns you with other entrepreneurs and innovators; This will give you the resources you need to utilize all the benefits of an online startup community platform. Once you are more active in the organization, you can also network with other members. That’s because you are creating relationships with others who might someday hire you or at least connect you with job opportunities.

Consider Going Abroad

When you travel, you can network with people and companies in a variety of locations. If you travel abroad, you can also meet people from a range of cultures, expanding your horizons. If you are on a school-related trip, you might take on service projects. That means you will partner with your peers for a variety of companies around the world. That can look good on a resume, giving you more job options in the future. There are many organizations that connect students with social impact work opportunities. It allows you to apply what you have learned in the classroom into a real-world scenario. Doing so can help you get a new perspective on the world. Whether you are exposed to new experiences or even get a career overseas, making sure you intentionally improve your marketability.  This way, you will ensure you put funds to invest in yourself. You can think of it as one of the many resources you have available while you are in school.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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