Tips for Preventing your Propane Tank from Freezing Up

A frozen propane tank can be a problematic dilemma, especially during the winter season. Luckily, we might just have the tips and guides to help you keep them warm.

Tips for Preventing your Propane Tank from Freezing Up #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #propanetank #keepyourpropanetankwarm #electricblanket #frozenpropanetank
Image Used With Permission By Randall Mann on Unsplash

A frozen propane tank can be a problematic dilemma, especially during the winter season. Luckily, we might just have the tips and guides to help you keep them warm.

Propane tanks play a vital role in our home. It ensures that everything we have at home is warm, especially during the winter season. Hence, we need to make sure that our propane tanks are well-maintained throughout the year.

Frozen propane tanks often happen from time to time. It may not cause fires or any immediate danger. However, it can cause major temperature problems if left frozen.

If you happen to be wondering why you would suffer from the cold with a frozen propane tank, then you might want to check out this article.

But before that, let’s get to know the different types of propane tanks.

When it comes to different propane tank sizes, they typically fall into three main categories: portable, residential, and commercial. Portable propane tanks, often used for grills and camping stoves, are small and easily transportable. Residential propane tanks are larger and commonly used to fuel household appliances like stoves, water heaters, and furnaces. Commercial propane tanks, on the other hand, are considerably larger and used for industrial purposes, powering machinery, heating large spaces, or even as backup power sources.

The availability of different propane tank sizes ensures that propane can be efficiently utilized in a multitude of settings, making it a versatile and reliable energy source. now, let’s focus on the important things you need to know about frozen tanks.

What happens if your propane tanks are frozen?

If your propane tank gets frozen, you don’t have to worry about fires. It doesn’t usually cause a fire. However, you might suffer from high degrees of humidity. The higher the humidity the warmer it is inside the home.

When propane tanks are frozen, the regulator tends to release more propane than necessary. The more propane is released the higher the temperature in the enclosed space. However, if you don’t take action on frozen propane, there is a high chance that you are going to be spending the winter or cold season without any propane at all.

Hence, you must know how to keep propane tank from freezing.  Below are some of the tips that you need to remember. That way, you are assured that your propane tank won’t be freezing anytime soon.

How to keep your propane tank from freezing up

Step 1 Grab your Electric blanket.

The first thing that you need to do is to get your electric blanket. Your electric blanket can help keep your propane tank warm. Wrap the electric blanket around your propane tank. Avoid wrapping the regulator and valve.

Step 2 Secure the Electric Blanket around the propane tank

When securing your propane tank, you can use duct tape to keep the electric blanket in place. Duct tapes stick better compared to other types of tape on the market. You don’t have to wrap the blanket so tight around the tank. But it should be able to cover the whole propane tank.

Step 3 Turn on the electric blanket

Plug in the electric blanket. Once it is turned on, make sure to set it to medium temperature. This temperature is the right amount of heat that your propane tank needs to keep it from freezing.

Step 4: Slowly open the regulator valve

Once everything is set, slowly open the regulator valve. However, don’t open it completely. Completely opening the regulator valve can freeze the propane tank even more. The opening of the valve should be enough to let the pressure move around the tank. If you need more gas pressure, you can connect another gas tank to help spread the pressure around the frozen gas tank.

Step 5 Remove the blanket, especially when they are not in use

Once you are not using the tank anymore, you can remove the electric blanket around the tank.

Additional Tips

Tip#1 Proper Storage is necessary

When storing and keeping propane tanks, make sure that you store them properly, especially during the winter season. Do not leave your propane tanks outside in the freezing temperature. Make sure to keep them in an area with room temperature.

Tip#2 Refilling is better than Exchanging

Instead of exchanging your empty propane tank for a full one, it’s better to have it refilled. If your propane tank is filled with propane, then it will not freeze up. Aside from that, you can save much more money compared to buying another tank.

Tip#3 Always keep it warm

Aside from storing it properly, your propane tank should be warm. One of the tips that we can give you is that keep them covered when they are not in use. Aside from that, place them in the warm part of your house. This can be tricky because most of the areas at home that are warm are near fireplaces or susceptible to fire. Make sure that you can find an area that is warm and away from fire.

Tip #4 Check the Gas Pressure from time to time

Another way to keep your propane tank from freezing is to keep the pressure of the tank constant. When a sudden change in the temperature occurs, it can also affect the pressure of the tank. You must try to check the gas pressure of your tank.

Here are some tips that you can use to avoid pressure issues happening on your propane tank.

  • Keep your regulator valves and propane tanks free from snow.
  • Make sure that your tank is always covered with a heating blanket or even tons of blankets to keep them warm.
  • Store them in an upright position. This will keep the pressure in the right place.
  • Never empty your tank. Once your tank reaches 30%, you need to refill immediately.
  • Keep in proper storage.
  • When the tank is not in use, make sure to turn off the valve regulator.

Tip#5 Check your propane regularly

To avoid issues from happening, always set a time of the month to check on your propane tank. Most people might find this excessive. However, finding time to ensure that your propane tank is in the best condition is a must. This way, you can keep your tank from freezing. Aside from that, in case you need a tank replacement, you can have it done ahead of time.


Propane tanks play a vital part in our household. Hence, we must always keep a close watch on them. This way, you rest assured that you have enough heating throughout the cold season. Why wait for the cold season? Make sure to check out our guide on how to keep a propane tank from freezing up and our handy tips for keeping your propane tank all year round.