The Modern Picasso Painter: Gary Jerome Holliday

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From his early beginnings as a self-taught artist at the age of four, to studying Fine Arts at Florida State University, Gary Jerome Holliday has developed a unique style that incorporates acrylic, pen and ink, and graphite. Join us as we dive into the mind of this remarkable artist and learn more about his creative process and inspiration in this interview.

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Gary J. Holliday

Beverly Hills Magazine: Please tell us a little about yourself.  Where are you from?  Where did you grow up?  Any training or educational background?

Gary J. Holliday: I’m a person who cares about people.  I was originally from Miami, Florida, but grew up in north Florida, the Tallahassee area.  I was a self-taught artist at the early age of four years old.  During grammar school on the weekends, I studied art at Lemoyne Arts.  I continued through high school into college where I was accepted into Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts programs at Florida State University, where I received a degree of B.F.A. and then M.F.A. in Studio Arts.

Beverly Hills Magazine: When did you discover your talent as a painter?

Gary J. Holliday: My love for painting occurred during grammar school, when I painted portraits of people for money.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How do you prepare for each new piece?

Gary J. Holliday: Preparing isn’t something I can see that I do, I the traditional way.  Everything I do is done through intuition in conjunction with exterior environments.  There’s a lot of other factors at play as well.  My emotions.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What inspired you to paint, of all the mediums to choose from out there?

Gary J. Holliday: I get inspiration from the way paints react while being allied to painting surfaces, initially allowing qualities of the materials to dictate its outcome.  I’m recently using a combination of acrylic, pen and ink, and graphite.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Where do you get your inspiration?

Gary J. Holliday: I’m influenced by many emotions, the interaction with life itself.  Mostly everything in my immediate environment provides a great deal of the sources of my images.

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Beverly Hills Magazine: What is your art signature?  What makes your work unique?

Gary J. Holliday: Well, I believe it’s how I use my forms spacially on the painting surfaces.  The forms I create are the result of our new move toward AI in societies, the use of humanoid figures that are part of our world today.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Why do you think art is such a valuable collector’s item?

Gary J. Holliday: Art is a reflection of the human journey through time and needs to reflect that.  Therefore, having collectors collect those time capsules is extremely important to the human existence.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How are collectors an important part of the Art world?

Gary J. Holliday: It’s valuable because in this way the collector continues preserving history.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What message do you hope to convey through your work?

Gary J. Holliday: My message is to get used to the differences we experience in our everyday life.  It can be personal or public in nature.

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Beverly Hills Magazine: What advice would you give to aspiring artists out there?

Gary J. Holliday: My advice to aspiring artists is to be true to yourself, and never lose track of directions.  And to persevere.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Have you discovered a personal purpose in what you do?

Gary J. Holliday: I do believe so.  I want the viewer to celebrate the uniqueness of the forms I use, and how I use the forms in space.  Personally, I do hope my paintings help people in society understand themselves, based on my paintings.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Where can readers buy your artwork or contact you?

Gary J. Holliday: Readers can contact me to commission a private work or purchase any of my artwork at 619-279-7504, or email me at  And to view my page at Instagram:  garyJ._holliday.

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Beverly Hills Magazine: Anything else you’d like to add or share?

Gary J. Holliday: My love for art started at an early age and continues presently.  I produce paintings that cover all aspects of my daily life throughout years of ups and downs, constantly mapping out my life.  My goal is to inspire those who see my work to look more carefully at the world around, to discover beauty and pain in unusual places.   I’m always examining the different forms and their relationship to adjacent forms on the 2-dimensional plane.

Gary’s dedication and passion for art is truly inspiring, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to learn more about his unique style and perspective. The artistic community wishes him all the best in his future creations. You can engage with the artist and experience his awe-inspiring pieces.