Technology Must-Haves For Business

Technology Must-Haves For Business
Technology Must-Haves For Business

Regardless of your niche market, it’s essential you make your customers a priority. Without them, you wouldn’t have a business to run, and you’d soon go broke! The sad truth is many of today’s enterprises aren’t putting their customers first. Feeling frustrated and disenfranchised, they will “vote with their feet” and go elsewhere.

If you do a search online, you’ll discover a variety of ways to improve the customer experience. But, did you know that technology can lend you a helping hand? It’s true; you can revolutionize the way you do business with these simple technology hacks.

Want to know what they are? Keep reading to find out more:

Offer digital wallet and currency payment options

Of course, these days, people will often buy the things they need with cash or a debit or credit card. But, more firms are seeing the benefits of offering digital payment options. It’s not unusual to find retailers accepting payments via crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.

Technology Must-Haves For Business

As you can imagine, people that don’t turn up to their appointments will cost you time and money. They are situations you want to avoid as much as possible, but how can you do so? One revolutionary technology hack is to send them text message reminders!

In addition, there are plenty of appointment reminder solutions your business can use. You can even find some that integrate with your existing software systems. Of course, you must get each client’s mobile phone number at the time of booking an appointment! But, once you have that information, you can cut down on your no-shows.

Make it easy for customers to find you with a dedicated app

It’s no secret that the number of smartphone users has grown by a massive amount! According to Statista, over 207.1 million people used iPhones and similar devices in 2016. This figure is set to soar to around 256.7 million in 2020!

Walk to any public place, and you’ll see plenty of people glued to their smartphone screens. Why not take advantage of that digital revolution by offering a dedicated app? Considering all modern smartphones have GPS, your app can use it to guide people to your stores.

Additionally, you might think that building a smartphone app with GPS functionality will cost a lot. But, it’s possible to create iOS and Android apps online at a low cost. Yes, that’s right; you don’t even need an app developer to help you anymore! Your app could offer other benefits, such as discount coupons and details of offers.

Technology Must-Haves For Business

Use collaborative software in your office

Last, but not least, consider using applications that converge different mediums together. You could use software that links your social media profiles to your client database. Or applications that connect payment systems to back-office ones.

There are plenty of ways to improve the customer experience with technology. Now’s the time to start using them!

Plus, you’ll find that many retail and online vendors allow customers to pay with digital wallets.  Examples include PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Wallet.

Text appointment reminders to your clients

Finally, do you run a business where your clients meet with you at mutually-agreed dates and times? Or do you run a dentist’s surgery or a consultancy firm? Whatever your niche, one thing that will no doubt grind your gears is when you have “no-shows”!

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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