Silky Smooth: The Top Ten Tips for Better Hair

Silky Smooth: The Top Ten Tips for Better Hair #better hair #bad hair

Are you looking for hair that’s healthier and more manageable? We’ve got the best tips for better hair that will have you looking great in no time. 

Aren’t bad hair days such a bummer? If only there was a way you could minimize the chances of a bad hair day or bad hair altogether! (Image Credit: Ingrid Santana/Pexels)

Bad hair can hurt your confidence and self-esteem and ruin a whole day. When your hair is in good shape, however, you feel like you’re wearing a crown, and you can take on the entire world. It’s keeping your hair looking good that does the trick, and you need some great tips for better hair.

Your strands are always prone to breakage, frizz, thinning, dullness, dryness, and more. With all these challenges, attaining long, thick, healthy, and gorgeous hair will take effort. Not to worry, though, because all you have to do is tweak a few things in your daily routine, making maintaining healthy hair effortless.

In this guide, we have some pro tips for better hair that will help you establish healthy habits that will assure you of a great hair day, every day!

1. Rethink the Way You Wash Your Hair

The most important part of washing your hair is brushing it before getting it wet. Regardless of your hair texture, take about a minute to brush through it and detangle all the strands while it’s still strong. You see, your hair is most vulnerable when it’s wet, and it’s prone to breaking.

The minute it gets wet, all the knots and tangles only get tighter, and combing it after means you’ll leave a whole chunk of it on your comb. Beyond that, combing hair while still dry also distributes all the natural oils from your scalp, and after washing it, it’ll be silky smooth and ready to style. Combing your hair through while still dry is one of the most important tips for better hair.

When it comes to washing your hair, understand that less is more. While different hair needs different washing routines, overwashing can be damaging for almost any type of hair. It can be even more damaging if you have naturally dry hair or if you’ve bleached or colored it.

Washing hair every day means stripping it off its natural oils, which need to keep both the hair and scalp healthy. It’s advisable to limit your hair washing routine to three times a week.

2. Use the Right Shampoo for Your Type of Hair

The number of times you wash your hair is not the only thing you should be wary about, but the kind of shampoo you use as well.

People with curlier hair can go longer without washing their hair, so if you have curly, coarse, or thick hair, consider using a shampoo that cleans and hydrates your hair at the same time. If you’ve dyed your hair, get a sulfate-free shampoo to avoid stripping those colors between washes.

Shampoo for Fine Hair

If you have fine hair, understand that the straighter it is, the faster its natural oils wick down. This means it’s bound to get oiler a lot faster, and you may have to wash it a lot more often, like every other two days. With this much washing, you need to use a gentle shampoo that will be kind to your strands, which is one of the best tips for better hair.

Shampoo for Colored Hair

Once you color your hair, allow it to sit for at least three days before you can wash it to avoid fading it out too soon. That said, apart from sulfate, you should also avoid shampoos with silicones as well. While sulfates strip away the colors, sulfates leave behind a residue that could give your hair a dull look.

Shampoo for Afro and Caribbean Hair

Most Afro and Caribbean hair tend to dry out due to their unique textures. Dry hair can be extremely fragile, and once you consider detangling, it makes it very crucial to get the right kind of shampoo. If you want better hair, it’s always best to get a moisturizing and detangling shampoo, which will replenish and give your hair that much-desired bounce.

Shampoo for Dry Hair

Dry hair, on the other hand, thrives well with dry shampoo. If you have greasy hair, some dry shampoo between washes will soak the excess oils. However, you should not be too reliant on it because it’s not without its downsides. If used too often, it causes buildup on the scalp, clogging up hair follicles.

3. Condition Your Hair the Right Way

Apart from shampoo, the type of hair conditioner you get for your hair is very crucial. Curly and highly textured hair thrives well when deeply conditioned.

Deep conditioning moisturizes and strengthens hair, and for the best result, you should use heat. Rinse your hair after conditioning it without using shampoo, which will allow your hair to absorb the conditioner and towel-dry after washing.

The one thing about conditioner that most people don’t understand is that it only needs to go from mid-length to the end of the strands. Putting conditioner on the scalp will lead to it getting greasy too soon. For better hair, you should also condition, depending on the situation.

For instance, when you work out, the sweat makes the hair dry, so you should condition it prior, and rinse it out after, which will leave you with great, shiny, and hydrated hair.

4. Start With Your Scalp

Your scalp is an integral part of your hair, and taking care of it should be just as essential. The scalp has this rich microbiome of fungus and bacteria that keep both the hair and skin healthy. However, when you use harsh chemicals on it, you may start experiencing skin problems that negatively affect your hair.

One of the best tips for better hair to keep in mind is always to ensure that you maintain a healthy balance of moisture and oils. If you can avoid harsh chemicals like baking soda, which interfere with the natural pH balance, that would be good. It’s also advisable to avoid thick hair products bound to leave a residue behind and make the hair look dull.

Using the right shampoo and conditioner, washing your hair less often, and massaging your scalp to activate the bloodstream are some of the things you can do to ensure you maintain a healthy scalp at all times.

5. Choose Smart Supplements

Taking hair supplements and multivitamins can go a long way toward ensuring you maintain beautiful and healthy hair. Certain minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids are necessary for healthy hair follicles and growth, so find a hair supplement that would be great for your type of hair. Supplements high in anti-inflammatory omega 3, keratin, horsetail, and pumpkin seed extracts are some of the best for improving hair growth and maintaining shine.

There are many types of hair supplements for better hair out there, going from pills to shots, gummies, and powders. You need to do thorough research and ensure what you take will offer you thicker and fuller hair, or what you desire. Of course, this needs to go along with a healthy diet as well.

6. Minimize the Use of Hot Tools

It’s understandable that you adore your hot iron and hairdryer. However, you need to understand that these hot tools, if used too often, can damage your hair. Some people wash their hair every day and use a blow dryer every day, which can be extremely damaging to the scalp and strands.

Minimizing use will lessen the damage, and if you can’t ditch them altogether, you need to use a heat-protectant spray. You can also invest in the right heat tools that use air and minimal heat while drying or curling hair. Rocking different hairstyles every day can give your hair a few days without needing a hot tool.

7. Ace Your Brushing Techniques

Brushing is not something you can live without doing, but are you doing it right?

Regular brushing is essential because it detangles the hair and distributes the natural oils that protect it from breakage and damage. It’s ideal to brush twice daily, in the morning and evening, for about a minute. You’ll exfoliate your scalp and remove dead hair.

For better hair, though, you must use the right brush and the proper brushing technique. The best brushing technique is to brush from the bottom, then work your way up. Brushing straight from the roots will only cause damage.

Invest in a wide-tooth comb for wet hair instead of using a brush.

8. Give Your Hair a Trim

Trimming your hair regularly enables growth and gives it an amazing look. This is one of the best tips for better hair, and it’s so easy you can either go to a professional or do it yourself.

Short hair needs a trim every 4-8 weeks, while medium to long hair could use a trim every 6-12 weeks. Regular trimming will help remove split ends and damaged hair, which will promote growth and make the hair softer and more flexible.

9. Eat Smart

Eating right is just about the most effective strategy and one of the best tips for better hair. You see, it’s true that you are what you eat, and while you may take hair supplements, it’s not enough if you don’t eat a healthy diet.

Iron, vitamins, and proteins are all essential for healthy hair. Incorporate different types of foods such as legumes, vegetables, proteins, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

10. Sleep on Silk or Satin

Satin and silk maintain hair better compared to other materials like cotton. These materials will not rub your hair aggressively, and when you move around, your hair will slide smoothly without being dragged along. Silk is especially good because it reduces friction, bed head, split ends, and keeps the hair looking great when you wake up.

Follow Our Best Tips for Better Hair

Everyone dreams of having thick, long, and gorgeous hair. Healthy hair is not just good looking, but strong, smooth, and silky as well. If this is what you dream of, we have provided the top ten tips for better hair. Follow this advice and ensure that you treat your hair better, maintaining it will only get easier as you go along.

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Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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