Rising Star “Maya J” Jenkins

Rising Star "Maya J" Jenkins
Rising Star "Maya J" Jenkins

Maya Jenkins, or simply “Maya J” is a rising star and talented musician, is taking the world by storm with her new music, and upcoming television projects. Her brand new single, “Symptoms of You” is a strong pop ballad with a very mysterious and seemingly beautiful song meaning. (Image Above By Glitter Rain Entertainment)

To let us know exactly what kind of record Symptoms of You is, and where she gets the inspiration for her songs, Maya happily answers, “Symptoms of You is a contemporary ballad style pop song that I feel a lot of people can relate to. I wrote the music and the lyrics completely on my own, and my inspiration for this was my own life and personal experiences. When I write, I’m almost always writing based on my own experiences, as I think most songwriters do.”

That is probably how we all imagined it’s done. Aside from that, Maya has surely exceeded expectations in the attitude of a modern actress, as she sits full of humility, kindness, and genuine interest in conversation. She is “Staying Sparkly” as she puts it. Maya gave some fun insight into what is behind the music, the acting, and that bright smile of hers.

Let’s learn more about this rising star…

Rising Star "Maya J" Jenkins

(Image By Ryan Domingpe)

Beverly Hills Magazine: When did you discover your passion as an actress and artist?

Maya J: I discovered my passion for music before I could talk. I knew I wanted to sing for as long as I’ve been living. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, before I discovered storytelling and acting later on in my life.

Beverly Hills Magazine: That brings me to ask you, have you discovered a personal purpose to what you do?

Maya J: Absolutely Yes. Being an actor and a singer gives me so much joy, because I get to be a part of storytelling; People invite you into their lives through your shows or music and are totally vulnerable. They let you make them laugh, smile, cry, etc. It’s unbelievable.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What is your signature as a musical artist?

Maya J: Lyrically, I like ambiguity in my songs because I feel like I want the poetry to reach more people. I want everyone to put their own life and experiences to the words within my songs. My  signature with every piece of my craft is just being myself 100%. I sing what I feel, and enjoy my life as best as I can. Who doesn’t want to do that? I’m just a bubbly girl from LA, who loves music and film. So, that’s what I hope people see – and like!

Beverly Hills Magazine: What is your vision for your career?

Maya J: Honestly, this is a question that I used to answer so technically and sternly when I was younger. I’ve learned to enjoy what you are able to do because anyone in this business understands that it’s a tough industry. Nothing is guaranteed. Goals are still important, and I am still working toward many of course! I’m working toward acting in many films, TV series, and having music that people love and listen to. I want one of my songs to be someone’s favorite song, I do. As long as I am able to do what I love and make people happy, I’ll be happy.

Rising Star "Maya J" Jenkins

(Image By Ryan Domingpe)

This young lady has a lot going on. Maya J is the lead in a new comedy series entitled Live Out Loud, and she will be releasing her full debut album this year. Be sure to stay tuned for all of her other TV & Film projects, and remember to download her upcoming single, “Come Find Me” which will be available everywhere this Spring!

You can ensure that you don’t miss out on any of these things by following her on Twitter @everythingmayaj, Instagram @mayapapayalove, and on Facebook @mayajenkinsofficial


Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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